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Automated Custom Fields in Write>Post (17 posts)

  1. RedBMedia
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Is there a way to establish default Custom Fields for the Write > Post panel, that can be included in every new blog setup? I read earlier that "mu-plugins" can auto-execute any PHP file or plugin in new installs. Is this the route to take to establish default Custom Fields for posts?

  2. RedBMedia
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I just re-read my post and think that maybe I should include an example of what I am talking about. I want all new blogs to have Custom Fields used for post preloaded by default. So that users can select a Custom Field that has been pre-setup when writing post. Such as Name: Age: Hobbies:

    Any ideas?

  3. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    No one knows answer to this question?

  4. honewatson
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Custom Field Gui Plugin - works in /mu-plugins/

  5. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Looks like it's not working in WMU 1.5 R.C1
    I keep getting error messages when I write new custom field. Also, I don't see any new options inside administration.

  6. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It's working when placed inside plugins folder... but still, I don't know the right way to apply it for pages (not posts).

  7. honewatson
    Posted 16 years ago #

    If it only works in the plugins folder and you need it installed in every blog you can use plugin commander.

  8. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks watson, I did that already but I don't want to use it for 'write post' but for 'write page'. For some reason I can't get it to work inside 'write page' panel. I think I'll wait WPMU version of this plugin (if it ever happens) cause it does much more:

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    *scratches head*

    If you're limiting users that much, why not just make them authors off a regular WP install?

    unless you really want them to have their own "page", in which case you might want to look at buddypress.

  10. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    'unless you really want them to have their own "page"'

    Yes andrea (if were replying my posts), that's exactly what I want. It MUST be MU:)I can't wait for BuddyPress any more and to be honest I have a feeling that we'll never see stable release.

  11. honewatson
    Posted 16 years ago #

    boonika, that freshpost plugin adds massive additional tables to the database.

  12. honewatson
    Posted 16 years ago #

    BTW I just tested custom field gui plugin in 1.5 rc1 and it works perfectly.

    You must make sure you:

    1. Remove all files from rc-custom-field-gui folder and place them directly into the mu-plugins folder
    2. Rename conf-sample.ini to conf.ini and make changes as needed to conf.ini
    1. boonika
      Posted 16 years ago #

      Thanks honewatson... better ever than never:) I have another question but I'll start a new thread for it.

    2. cosmican
      Posted 16 years ago #

      How about More-Fields plugin?

    3. boonika
      Posted 16 years ago #

      Powerful plugin, although I'm not sure if you can set defaults across entire WPMU (all blogs).

      Btw, I've managed to solve my problem.

    4. peiqinglong
      Posted 16 years ago #

      Btw, I've managed to solve my problem.

      Care to share? :)

    5. boonika
      Posted 16 years ago #

      Of course. But I must say that I didn't managed to get custom fields keys appear as defaults so your user will have to write them (only once) and latter he'll be able to chose from drop-down menu.

      So here are the plugins I'm using:

      1. Fpr displaying text info
      Get Custom -

      2. For displaying thumbs and default thumbs
      Get The Image -

    About this Topic

    • Started 17 years ago by RedBMedia
    • Latest reply from boonika