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Installation Strategy (2 posts)

  1. ag
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Hi All

    I have a group weblog running on WP 1.5.x with about 30 writers at

    I intend to offer personal weblogs for members on this domain using WPMU. So the idea is that existing will remain as group blog and there would be sub-domain blogs as personal blogs. In short

    Group Blog :
    User 1 Blog:
    User 2 Blog:

    I am wondering what are my best options

    1. Keep the existing group weblog on WP 1.5.x
    2. Move everything to WPMU and then import the existing posts into the first blog created by WPMU

    With approach 1 – I will have to create a subdir under and then run it from there. Let us say I create mu subdir under the root. Then the personal URLs for users would be

    User 1 Blog:
    User 2 Blog:

    I haven’t found a solution for this?

    With approach 2 – I will have to have multiple users in the first blog created by wpmu. I dunno if wpmu supports that? Also is it a good idea to run a productive weblog on the first weblog created by wpmu. How is the import from exising WP blog to WPMU blog?

    Sorry for a long post. Your feedback is highly appreciated.


  2. jaseone
    Posted 19 years ago #

    To install WPMU into a subdirectory and use the virtual hosts option you are going to have to write some very creative RewriteRules especially with an existing install of Single User Wordpress at the root.

    What would make more sense is your second option to move completely to WPMU even for the main site, however there is no point & click way to import Posts & Comments from a Wordpress blog into a WPMU one (or even another Wordpress one) at the moment. You should be able to have multiple authors on the one main blog with no problems.

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