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Writing a Photo Gallery Page (3 posts)

  1. thtang
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am developing a photo gallery plugin for uploading pictures in the server. I want to put this plugin in a page for people to access this function. That is, user can click on the sidebar link to access the gallery page.

    add_action('xxxxxx', 'displayImageUploader');

    I would like to know what parameter shall i use to perform the function i want?

    Thank you.

  2. GIGALinux
    Posted 17 years ago #



    add_action('the_content', 'displayImageUploader');
    . You must be search for the tag in the Content "[gallery]" or whatever.

    greetz gigalinux

  3. thtang
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thank you.

    However, if i used the_content, it will show in every page.. however, i only want to show it in the gallery page. What shall i do?

    Thank you.

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