Hi, i've searched around but can't seem to find anything near this subject so any help would be massively appreciated. I've installed WordPress MU on a hosted server. What i want is that a teacher will have supervision over their students blogs? - the teacher will be the master user and will create bloggs for their students for a particular project. This teacher will then be able to log into their own account (admin account?) and view all their students bloggs, and have total control over the students bloggs?
Now, i realise by my initial experience playing around with WordPress MU that this functionality is already sort of there in that the admin user has control over all blogs created and has access to all blog user details?
But the Question is this: Is there any way to have this functionality for multiple 'admin' users? - basically i need to preserve the teacher-students link - that teacher(A) who has created bloggs for students(A) can log on using their 'admin' account and view ONLY their students accounts and NOT all as in the case of the current setup using the 'admin' account?