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Blogs outside of wpmu install directory (3 posts)

  1. andorko
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I currently have two separate installs of wordpress on my site. One under /news/ and one under /blog/. The user info. tables for the two installs are shared by one having a couple of views that point to the other's user info. tables. I'm also looking at adding user created blogs under /blogs/username/.

    Rather than using views to connect the user information, I'd like to just have a single install of WP mu under /blogs. However I'd like /news/ and /blog/ to not be HTTP redirects. It seems like this should be doable with mod_rewrite rules in the root directory.

    A simpler way of putting it...
    Can I have WP mu installed in /wpmu/ and have the base URL for a blog be /someblog/.


  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Can I have WP mu installed in /wpmu/ and have the base URL for a blog be /someblog/.

    Yes but chances are it would get you kicked off 99.9% of the hosts on the web as you would be overtaxing their servers by doing multiple redirects on top of one another. We've been asked this numourous times in the past but the regulars here will not provide this solution as most of us consider it abuse or at least a ToS violation in most cases.

    Why not just install it to root like the instructions suggest and choose the subdirectory option? That way you can add in /news/.

    /blog/ is going to be an issue no matter what you do as WPMu has /blog/ as the #1 blog in any install and it's pretty much hardcoded in someplaces.

  3. andorko
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Drmike, thanks for the quick response.

    I'd rather not install to the root. In my situation Wordpress is a small part of a much larger site.

    This is for a dedicated server, so ToS is not an issue. Obviously it's difficult for me to evaluate the impact of multiple rewrites/redirects without seeing the solution.

    Any chance of getting the solution via email?

    andy dot s dot clark at (Google mail)

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