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Login Problems on chanching server (10 posts)

  1. hbarquero
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Recently I change my mu blog system to another server, I get everithing runnig, but when the old users try to make the login they get a blank page, new users can make the login correctly. Can anyone give me a tip on this?

  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yup, check the apache and mu error logs to see what the error is, see what's in your browser's page source when you see the blank page, and provide a link so we can see this in action.

  3. hbarquero
    Posted 17 years ago #

    where can I see the "mu error logs"?

  4. heyguy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I recall having this problem once when I moved an account between servers. Existing users couldn't log in but there was no problem creating new users.

    I forget what exactly I did to fix it though, sorry.

    A good starting point is to make sure the users still exist in the database. You should also be able to change their passwords (Google can help you on this).

    Are you able to log in as admin at least?

  5. hbarquero
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Them main problem is, if the user tryes to login with htt:\\user.mydomain\wp-login.php they get a blak page. If they login with htp:\\\wp-login.php they are able to login, but on chanching, ou updating anything they get the black page again.

  6. heyguy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Did you take all your Apache settings and .htaccess with you when you moved? Are you able to at least view the blogs using the subdomains?

  7. hbarquero
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yes I can see the blogs, and new users can login Fine, onli the old users are having problems on the login, and, like I said when they try to login on http:\\\wp-login.php

  8. hbarquero
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Can Anyone give me some advice please :)

  9. shanebecker
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Can anyone advise the resolution to this issue. I'm having the same problem except I haven't changed servers- this just started out of the blue.

    - The URL '' gives the login page and logs in fine.
    - The URL gives a blank page (and completely blank source when checked).
    - gives the normal login page but when attempting to login it redirects to the same wp-login.php page again requiring details to be filled in again (and continues to redirect back to login.php).

    Any clues?


  10. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Please read the second post in this thread.

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by hbarquero
  • Latest reply from drmiketemp