I tried to install WPMU with MAMP but I've got this error:
WPMU only works without the port number in the URL.
I tried to install WPMU with MAMP but I've got this error:
WPMU only works without the port number in the URL.
Which is correct.
Please search the forums, Mamp has been discussed to death a few times.
can you give me some link?
They found the threads.
Not sure why it's difficult to put "mamp" into a search field, but who knows.
Then again, since Mac's come with apache by default, I still can't understand why mamp is really needed either.
Oh well.
Actually I've gotten to the point and starting politely asking those who ask common questions over at wp.com just to see why they can't find the answer. Kind of curious...
lunabyte: just for the sake of posterity, note that while OSX comes with apache, php is pretty non-functional by default and lacks most of the common extensions that you need to run apps like wordpress (i imagine the server edition of OSX has a more appropriate version)
While PHP is not enabled by default, it most certainly can run WP once it is enabled, and is quite functional.
OS X doesn't include MySQL, and a couple mods that are less frequented, but those can very easily be added in.
I don't get your point, honestly, and what it has to do with MAMP, or anything else in a thread that's been dormant for 8 months.
I came across a pretty good article for putting mySQL on Leopard.
Any updates on this?
Any updates on what?
As an aside, I use MAMP on my mac, it's just a handy way of having apache and mysql running ONLY when I'm doing development (click on the start servers dashboard widget and away I go). But I develop on standard wordpress. I don't see any need (for me anyway) to have the full WordPress MU running on a laptop.
When developing sitewide plugins it's been essential cafespain. I've been at work on a sitewide tagging plugin and it makes for a good testing bed for wpmu plugins.
I see on here that some people found a solution to getting wpmu working on MAMP, but no one appears to be offering up their sources. Anyone got a link to anything.
People use that still?
Guess I'll never understand why.
Maybe because of one-click install of all important modules? But then, why do they bother with MU...
Anyway, problem with ports? Why not to look into options?
MAMP -> Preferences -> Ports -> 'Set to default Apache and MySQL ports' -> Et voila.
Beats me. There's a nice package out there with an updated PHP and MySql, entropy.ch runs through my head, but don't hold me to it.
Either way, upgrading PHP (if desired) and adding in MySQL isn't that big of a deal. Especially on a Mac. :)