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Import an Existing blog to MU? (2 posts)

  1. winsr
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Is it possible somehow to import an existing blog into MU?

    I have had a blog for some time, and now i would like it to be on my MU site.

    Can this be done?


  2. seanwedig
    Posted 17 years ago #

    To my knowledge it can, though it will require some manual tweaking. It's essentially the same process as exporting / importing from from one WP blog to another. (see the WP documentation on this)

    Issues that I am aware of (with WPMU 1.2.1 from WP 2.1.1):

    • Users are not properly assigned ownership of posts. Any imported posts will be attributed to the currently logged in account.
    • I don't think user accounts are created, even though the import process prompts for this.
    • Uploads don't transition well, as file uploads are handled differently in WPMU over WP. They will need to be re-uploaded and re-linked to in posts / pages.
    • I'm guessing that absolute links referencing the blog will need to be re-written, though I do not know for sure.

    I just discovered these the other day, and have not entered or checked for tickets on them.

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