Anyone know where to find it? Trying to work through Dr. Mike's directions to create site wide tags but cannot find the plugin.
Anyone know where to find it? Trying to work through Dr. Mike's directions to create site wide tags but cannot find the plugin.
i got the original. hit me at admin (at) realsportsbloggers (dot) com . Doc made small changes which he listed in response to a question i asked him in the threat. that should get ya there.
sent out an email. have not heard back from demonicume. anyone else willing to send me the plugin? admin at mysoberlife dot com. any help appreciated.
PS. I do not know if the files I've uploaded to have the edits demonicume refers to. I use the plugin as an RSS aggregator only, not the sitewide tags.
How to upgrade? I'm using old WP-autoblog but having problems with it. Only feeds from and ones from my WPMU system are working properly.