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Chmod'ing your blog directory to 777 (5 posts)

  1. Bruce00
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi I would like to fined out how to (Chmod'ing your blog directory to 777)so I can install wordpressmu on my name server as I have never don this before

  2. heyguy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Ideally you have shell access and you just type:

    chmod 777 directoryname

    If not, most FTP clients will allow you to do this. In FileZilla, for example, you right-click the folder and select "File Attributes."

    Or if you have a control panel like cPanel, you can do it in the file manager. Probably similar in Plesk.

  3. Bruce00
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I have Apache 2.2.4 with ssl latest download from Apache lounge php 5.2.2 MYSQL 5.0.57 Server is on my h drive am building new server and new raw hard drive for this server build server up and running when ever I want to switch drives so where in my httpd.conf mite I do this as with Apache if it is not right place and right command Apache wont start
    just for info desk top and server on same computer
    if you no off a good edit program for Apache please share the where I can fined I do all my editing with not pad

  4. heyguy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I don't understand the question. Are you still trying to chmod a directory? Because if you are, Mu might not be for you...

  5. Bruce00
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am using windows xp home chmod is for unix and linux wont work on windows or so I am toled so I will have to fined some other way of getting the mu to install

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