In IE7 the big farms pack works perfectly, but not so in firefox or safari.
Because I'm still testing, I removed all files on the site and the databases too and simply re-installed but it did not fix the problem.
View here: http://hohum.web2work.com.au/
What have I missed?
/wp-content/themes/070325 Farms big theme pack/almost-spring/style.css
Take out the "070325 Farms big theme pack" and put the theme folders directly in the themes folder. So it looks like /wp-content/themes/almost-spring/style.css.
Also, never ever put spaces in folder or file names.
it worked. I tried something very similar, but never thought to put the themes directly into the themes folder. In fact I liked the idea of grouping the themes according to where they came from. I called the folder bfp and that didn't work. But following your suggestion did. I hate the url encoding of a space, btw - %20 - and so yes, I avoid spaces in urls like the plague.
Thanks a lot for your help. Very appreciated.