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localization ...again (5 posts)

  1. janv
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hello everyone,
    there is a plenty of threads with localization issues but I'm really in stuck.
    I need cs_CZ localization.
    So I had made .po file from sources with POEdit, made changes, saved file into the directory wp-includes/languages/ and changed wp-config.php. But it was still in English.
    So I had started with debug and I discovered the following:
    I updated file wp-includes/l10n.php and substituted code on row 5 like this:
    Orig: if (isset($locale))
    New: if (!empty($locale))
    And now is localization working. But I don't think this is a right solution.
    Does anyone have some similar experience or am I doing something wrong?

  2. vizualbod
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I think you should stick it into "wp-content/languages". It is different form WP singleuser.

  3. leogermani
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Just wanto to bring this to the top again.. I had the same problem and the same solutions...

    Is it a bug in the core? I dont like the idea of having to hack the core files...


  4. abd1900
    Posted 16 years ago #

    i have the same problem , wp-includes/l10n.php

    function get_locale() {
    //if (isset($locale)) //not work

    if (!empty($locale))// works
    return apply_filters( 'locale', $locale );



  5. leogermani
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ive added this on the trac as a bug. There is one guy looking at it..


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