Posted 17 years ago #
wordpress-mu-1.2.1 is now up and running on my server. But I have some problems with translation.
First of all, the file I found is the swedish translation for version 1.1.1 and I'm wondering if it will work with 1.2.1?
I've already copied the .mo file to /wp-includes/languages and did the change in wp-config.php but my wordpress still be in english.
Can someone help me, would be awesome.
You may want to export out a new po file using poedit and write up your own. (Would be extra cool if you released it as well so we coul;d all use it.)
The older version should work. It's just a matter of correctly matching up phrases as you mention.
You have to switch between language files yourself. You as the system admin can do this at Dashboard -> Site Admin -> options I believe. End users do it on their Dashboard -> Options -> General I think. (Locked down term this morning. only one screen so i can't go double check those.)
Hope this helps,