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How to get audio upload going... allow upload files doesn't work with new syste? (3 posts)

  1. Farms
    Posted 19 years ago #


    This one is probably more relevant to anyone wanting to use WPMU as a podcasting service... as I am in a number of Uni contexts.

    Basically the new image upload thingy doesn't seem to allow audio uploads (even if you allow it on admin), this would be a *really* great tag to have in it (next to the upload photo tab). Are there any plans in this direction or is there a simple way to get back the old 'Upload' tag?

    Cheers, James

  2. jaseone
    Posted 19 years ago #

    They are currently working on a nifty extension for the new upload functionality where it will support a variety of mime types and insert the proper XHTML into your post when you click and drag whatever it is to your post. No idea when it will be integrated into the code though but I believe it is slated for WP 1.6 so it can't be too far off.

  3. Farms
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Here's hoping it won't be too long!

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