Posted 17 years ago #
I know that the directories for WP are not actually real. However, in order for a flash map I am using to load properly on every page (I'm including it in the right sidebar template), a copy of a config.xml file needs to be placed in the same directory in which the map is going to appear. So, where should I be placing my config.xml file for the map to appear on, say,
Thanks for your help.
The file holding subdirectories get created once a file is uploaded. They're stored in the blogs.dir subdirectory.
Just upload something for that blog.
Posted 17 years ago #
When I try to upload a file to the blogs.dir directory or any subdirectory within it, the file is immediately deleted after uploading.
Thanks for your help.
Upload it via the uploader within wordpress like you;re writing a post.
That way wordpress sees it and is aware of the file.
Sorry for the confusion.