I've just released WPMU 1.2.2 and it's available on the download page now.
This has a number of security fixes, and also has a Dashboard blog switcher as described in http://trac.mu.wordpress.org/ticket/310 by Jeremy.
This equates to svn revision 5109 of WordPress plus a few extra fixes. Since then there have been a number of major changes and code reorganisations so I want to let things settle before merging any experimental code.
Yes, I know the version number wasn't bumped. Oops.
Oh, this release is dedicated to my son Adam, the cause of much WPMU delays and sleepless nights. All most definitely worth it however!
Posted 17 years ago #
Thanks D. :)
Baby pics... woot!
Looks like ya did a good job on him. No doubt he'll be after the ladies here soon.
OK, you can take a nap now too. :D
Thanks Lunabyte! I forgot to mention one more thing that should be of interest to anyone hacking on MU - sunrise.php
Definte a constant called SUNRISE in wp-config.php and create a file called wp-content/sunrise.php which you can use to do a lookup on the current URL, check if the remote IP is banned, or anything really.
This is where you should hook in a domain mapping function.
Create $current_site and $current_blog in this file and the lookup code in wpmu-settings.php will be skipped!
Posted 17 years ago #
Schweet D!
It's the "dawn" of a new era in hacking the core. he he he...
thanks doncha for new version.
I could not understand what is sunrise and why there is no file in zip. I think I need searh for sunrise..
and kisses to baby :)
The sunrise.php file you create as Donncha's post right above yours.
Posted 17 years ago #
I just messed with it locally, and it works so far. :)
Posted 17 years ago #
Just to be sure everything is kosher, the version number at the bottom of my admin is still 1.2.1 (is that what you meant.)
Also, the dashboard blog switchy thing isn't working.
woohooo! it's MU new release time!
Great to hear about the new version Donncha, so is it finally named after your baby Adam as we discussed here http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=5119&replies=12 ?
Is there any chance to see integrated photogallery with WPMU ?
nims - a photogallery probably will never be integrated but would be good as a plugin if someone wants to step up and create one and maintain it.
nolageek - enter a trac ticket with a description of how it doesn't work and hopefully Jeremy or myself can look at it.
Posted 17 years ago #
donncha - how is it supposed to work? Is there supposed to be a drop down list?
Posted 17 years ago #
donncha: Adam is so cute! No wonder the development of WPMU was delayed. :)
Thanks for the good news, look forward to upgrading my system to WPMU 1.2.2 soon.
Is there a changelog somewhere ?
Posted 17 years ago #
I've overwritten all the files and ran Site Upgrade in Admin but Page Source and Admin Footer still says 1.2.1.
Am I missing anything?
edit: Looks like /wp-includes/version.php needed a modification to fix this :)
Posted 17 years ago #
That's what Donncha said in his original post...
"Yes, I know the version number wasn't bumped. Oops."
Posted 17 years ago #
Oops, I'm sorry. I missed that line. Skipped it and continued with Adam's cute photo instead :)
Sorry again.
Posted 17 years ago #
It's cool. I had the same problem until I read it the second time. :)
That is a pretty awesome pic Donncha, if I didn't mention it before.
The timeline at http://trac.mu.wordpress.org/timeline is a pretty good changelog.
Glad you like the photo! There's lots more to come!
nolageek - yes, it works almost exactly like WordPress.com's one does. Go into your dashboard and hover over your blog name. If you have more than one blog they'll appear there in a JS drop down.
hi donncha ,
I checked it on firefox and its working..
I checked it on IE6 and its giving java error..not showing drop down.
I think nolageek is looking admin page on IE
Posted 17 years ago #
donncha, amazing! Thanks for new release!
Are there included multi site tagging system described there:
Do you have any ideas of included multi site taggin or global categories? I think that it feature will make WPMU the most powerfull blogging platform on the planet. And small "step by step" hack or solution will be very helpfull for all of us.
sBlogSitecom - I'll need to rely on someone else to fix that dropdown then. I don't have access to IE here unfortunately. Jeremy?
BartekPOL - there is a global categories feature already. There's a good chance this will be expanded as WP gets tagging support.
Posted 17 years ago #
donncha - Is it build in WPMU default or we have to do sth else? Or maby we have to do what is described there: http://www.uhdinger.com/wpmu/global_categories.txt ? Sorry for, probably, stupid questions for programmers but I am nooby in PHP and programming and I have got obssesion about this feature :) It's need to be done for my project.
BartekPOL - that describes something that isn't built into WPMU. Someone should write a plugin to do what that text file says, but use the WordPress actions instead of modifying core files.
That global posts table should be an innodb table too. Doesn't make sense for it to be myisam with all the reads and writes that'll go into it!
Dropdown Dashboard blog chooser thingy does not show in Safari(Version 2.0.4 (419.3)) but fine in Firefox.
donncha, i'm working on conerting it into a plugin, it's just taking a little bit more time than I anticipated. :)
any tips on how I could go about converting the table to innodb from myisam? Is it a quick change in pma?
Posted 17 years ago #
You can run an alter table query.