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[sticky] forum FAQ suggestions (46 posts)

  1. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Now taking suggestion for a forum FAQ which will be stickied. Meanwhile, we can all hope it will be read. :)

    - what's the difference between plugins and mu-plugins?
    - can users edit themes?
    - hosting requirements?
    - can I contribute code?
    - where's trac? nightlies? changelog?
    - where can I find help for pay?
    - where can I find MU-specific plugins?
    - who's in charge, anyway?

  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Stickied for the time being.

    I'd rather replace the "where's trac" with a How do I get help? and How do I report a bug?

    And someone just posted about a method to grab zipped nightlies on the bbpress mailing list. waiting to hear back to see if we can use that method on all of the tracs.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #


  4. Supergeek
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Q: Who are the developers, and what are their roles?


    Q: Who are the moderators or other volunteers, and what are their roles?


    Q: How can I contribute code?


    Q: How can I get the latest and greatest version?

    A: You can download a zipped version of the latest Subversion code for WPMU by going to this Trac page ( or directly through this link:
    You can also browse the Subversion repository and view or download individual files.

    Q: How do I know what changes have been made to the Subversion code, but not integrated into the latest release?


    Q: How do I integrate new code into my copy of WPMU?


    Q: Why is there a "tags" directory as well as a "trunk" directory in the Subversion repository? What is the difference between them?


    Q: What popular plugins are known not to work with WPMU, or work only with modifications?


    Q: Is there a website where I can download WPMU-specific plugins?


    Q: Are there other WPMU-specific resources available at other sites, like themes or how-to documents?



    Q: Is there a place where I can look over the current list of bug reports?


    Q: Can I submit my own bug reports? What kinds of things should I include in my bug report so that others can duplicate the problem?


    Q: I've got a bugfix or workaround. How do I share it?



    Q: Your search function doesn't work very well. That makes me a sad panda.

    A: For various reasons, changing the Search form at the top of the forums is problematic. The following link will give you better search results:

    Additionally, you can use Google with "".

    Q: I like your forums; where can I get this software, and how do I install it?

    A: The forum software can be obtained at and a helpful thread about integration is here:

    Q: What is the Codex?


    Q: Can I subscribe to RSS feeds on the site?

    A: Yes, there are multiple ways to subscribe to feeds. Every post has an RSS link at the bottom for subscribing, and you can use these links:

    * Main forums' RSS
    * Individual topics' RSS<topicid>
    * Individual tags' RSS<tag>
    * Individual forums' feeds<forumid>


    Q: I understand the developers and other volunteers are doing this in their (precious little) spare time. What can I do to help?


    Q: Does the project have a PayPal or other method of getting contributions to the volunteers?


    Q: Do you have a wiki? I don't see a link to it at the top of the site.


  5. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Disagree with half of those but am kind of swamped here right now. Most of those are project faqs instead of forum faqs.

    How do i install a theme?
    How do I do this?
    How do I do that?

    That's the questions we need in there.

    90% of the folks here don't know what a codex is and could probably care less. Ditto on the paypal, wiki, developers and moderators. (Sorry donncha but being honest) Heck I don't even think it's ever come up.

    edit: Saying the search is bad is not a good thing. We need to encourage folks to use it, not discourage them

  6. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I've never had an issue with the search not working.

    Our Moderator just posted.

    Volunteers are just that. We come and go, but there are some regulars.

    Responsibilities? What are yours? Volunteers don't have any either.

    Moderators, I'll let Doc handle that, but I do agree that the dev/mod/vol q's aren't in the scope of this.

    How can you contribute code? Post it. If it's good, submit it to trac. Granted, the ultimate key master may kick it.

    Moving along...

    Codex? What is it? If you have to ask, you really need to become familiar with WordPress before trying MU.

    Heh... I give up.

    Most of those questions aren't within the scope of this. Since this is advanced software, it requires advanced knowledge and a good understanding of WP. With that WP understanding, it negates half of those or more.

  7. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Gotta admit that I don't like seeing code posted here. An FAQ on that explaing to how to post via a *.phps file or pastebin would be a good idea. The forum here mucks code up too much.

  8. kp2575
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It's not that the search doesn't work, it is that you will find 5 different attempted answers for you problem. It isn't always clear what is the right way to fix something, threads that are old or have incorrect information need to either be nuked or when we have a solution for a common problem we link the definitive thread in the FAQ.

    From that aspect they are rather frustrating, but there is a wealth of info in there, I know most of my questions have been answered by searching through there. If I can't find it or don't understand something then I post.

  9. Peavy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    My suggestions (security and maintenance oriented):

    * How can I get the latest stable production version ?

    * How can I be informed of security fixes / updates ?

    * How can I apply a security patch or upgrade to a newer version ?

    Peavy 8)

  10. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #


    How close is MU to WP? What codebase does it follow?
    What are the major differences between MU & WP?
    How do I upgrade?

    Expect a rough draft sometime this week.

  11. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    And specifically stating what version it uses as well.

    Like: MU uses the cutting edge version of WordPress, and is always ahead of the actual official WP releases.

    Or something like that.

  12. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Actually looks like we're tied with 2.2.1 now.

  13. lakis
    Posted 17 years ago #

    how to check my account number becouse i can't log in to any server of the game?
    plz anser on my e-mail
    thx for help

  14. nims
    Posted 17 years ago #

    One from me :
    Is it possible to upgrade (I cudnt find a better word ) WP to WPMU keeping the posts, comments and theme intact.

  15. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yep, it's possible.

  16. nims
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Wud appreciate a link where its discussed please.

  17. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #


  18. nims
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Oh thanks, that was wonderful. I searched and searched and yessss I found few topics, but none were good enough, but I wont stop, I will still search, may be google this time. :)

  19. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Copy the them over to the new MU install.
    go to the WP install. Click "Export".
    go to the MU install blog you want. click "Import".


  20. andrewbillits
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Q: Are there any recommended hosts?


    Let me know of any other I should add to that list. Eventually i'm going to allow user reviews of each host.

  21. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Uh, knock Site5 off the list. I was on their MultiSite plan. They also changed their TOS and won't allow it, *but* it's not in the TOS on their man site pages, just in one buried off somewhere in a wiki.

  22. andrewbillits
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Will do. Do you know of any others that could be added to the list?

  23. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Depends on how detailed you want it to get.

    Meaning break it out into like a little table, and have different checks in the boxes.

    For example:

    HostName --- Supports MU --- Supports Subdir's --- Supports Subdom's

    Then have the host name linked, then check the appropriate boxes.

    Then again, it could just be as simple as it is, where it's either they support it completely, or they don't.

    SoftLayer (.com) can be added in there, as they're a pretty decent dedicated host.

    Then again, any dedicated host that is worth using could be on there, since it's your box and you can support whatever you want.

  24. andrewbillits
    Posted 17 years ago #

    The plans are to make it into a table with columns similar to what you listed. I also want wpmudev users to be able to write reviews of each host.

    So far I have:
    1) Media Temple
    2) Server Beach
    3) Layered Tech
    4) SoftLayer

    Are there any VPS providers that have been known to support wpmu? I'm hoping to have a list of at least 10 providers in all.

  25. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago # VPS

    Doesn't A Small Orange support MU too?

  26. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    ASO has VPS, but I've never used them for that. Andrea is on some VPS thingy now, so she can chime in. Not that I doubt she would anyway.

    The Doc tried Jumpline out, but their VPS (VDS, technically) doesn't support the DNS wildcards, so an external DNS would be needed, or setting up bind on the VDS yourself if you have the IP's to handle it.

  27. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago # is a yes although I believe Pat wants it in a reselling account.

    Jumpline would probably disallow the subdirectory install as well since they limit the "number of sites" one has on a single install.

    And they were out as well as they don't allow SVN except for their high end accounts as well.

  28. mysorehead
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I also want to add I believe that posts should always be framed with positive language; insults and put downs should not be posted.

    Taken from the FAQ stickied to the other wordpress forum:

    that this forum exists for one purpose only - to help people.
    Constructive criticism and debate are welcome where appropriate - negativity is not.
    If you can post positively to the forum then please do :)


  29. mrjcleaver
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Q: Do you have a wiki? I don't see a link to it at the top of the site.
    > 90% of the folks here don't know what a codex is and could probably care less.

    WPMU has a wiki, it's at

    But newcomers won't care about a wiki unless the community is seen to behind it. It's been largely ignored. Somehow the community seems to thinks its okay to keep copying the same old content and digging to 5+ pages of repeated, often obsoleted information to find what they need. Use a wiki and delete the noise: we might get some quality signal, without the job falling to a central "administration" team.

  30. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You know, instead of complaining, why not step up and try answering some of the questions?

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