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Restricted Email, but still allowing signups from..... (4 posts)

  1. jerxs
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Ive restricted sign ups to a specific domain, and have also removed wp-signup.php, but somehow people are still registering blogs from Gmail and Hotmail accounts.

    I dont want anyone to be able to register a blog, besides myself.

    anyone know what could be going wrong here?

  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    What specific version of wpmu are you running?

    You may want to look through your server logs and see what file is being accessed at the same time. That way you can figure out how they're doing it. (Note the blog creation time on your Site Admin -> Blogs page)

  3. jerxs
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks Mike, I think I found the problem. I have my MU database integrated into a BBpress data base. Im using MU basically as a CMS for a large content site I am building, so I dont want to allow people to register blogs. Though if they register on the integrated bbpress forum, users can also register blogs. So I am going to have to look into it further, maybe just use a different DB for the forums or something.....

  4. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Or just taking out wp-signup.php, or putting a die at the top.

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