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problem accessing global $wpdb - MyEvents plugin (1 post)

  1. beatbox433
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Just trying out the simple MyEvents plugin ( There is a problem when trying to delete an entry in the list of events. The global value $wpdb isn't available in the function called. It's available elsewhere in the same class.
    I presume this is because of the way the delete function is called:

    if (isset($_POST['action']))
    	if ( $_POST['action'] == 'options' ) {
    		$myevents->settings['pattern'] = $_POST['pattern'];
    	if ( $_POST['action'] == 'add' && isset($_POST['name']) && $_POST['name'] <> '' ) {
    		$item = new Event();
    		$item->name = $_POST['name'];
    		$item->location = $_POST['location'];
    		$item->date = $_POST['aa'] . '-' . $_POST['mm'] . '-' . $_POST['jj'];
    	if ( $_POST['action'] == 'edit' && isset($_POST['name']) && $_POST['name'] <> '' ) {
    		$item = Event::getFromIndex($_POST['itemid']);
    		$item->name = $_POST['name'];
    		$item->location = $_POST['location'];
    		$item->date = $_POST['aa'] . '-' . $_POST['mm'] . '-' . $_POST['jj'];
    if (isset($_GET['delitem']))

    All the POST action functions work and the Event class can access $wpdb, but with the last one, which checks for $_GET['delitem'] $wpdb returns an empty value when called in the Event class.

    Any ideas what the problem is? Thanks.

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by beatbox433