i upgraded my files to the 1.2.3 edition, before this i saved my wp-setings .htaccess and wp-content, altough, when i installed the new files and re aded my saved i cant reach the page, its just a white screen and nothing ellse, cant reach wp-login either.. something gone wrong? or something i need to change in db?
I really hope that there is a fix for this, best regards - Fredrik
Edit: link http://bloggproffs.se
Anything in your webserver's error logs?
"when i installed the new files and re aded my saved "
Did you re-added entire files that you changed, or did you re-add the *edits* you made to files?
Because it's the custom *edits* you have to add to the *new* files.
hi Andrea Thx for taking the time, no it was like this, i downloaded the new 1.2.3 from the website, and replaced every file in my root except for the .htaccess, wp-setings and the entire wp-content folder. but still i cant access my site.
What about wp-config.pgp? You should have left the old version there.
yeah thats right, thats the one i ment to save :D
well it should be as easy as manually editing it and reconnect to db?