Well I finally got around to getting screenshots and editing all the 'editable links' etc. out of existing WP themes so here's a .zip of just over 60 'WPMU friendly' themes (first draft) that I'm using at http://edublogs.org http://learnerblogs.org and http://uniblogs.org (can you guess the area I'm working in :)
I'll be editing and updating these to make them as WPMU friendly as possible over time so I'll pop back with updates... perhaps other good people could share theirs too!
Cheers, James
Nice job man! This is really good! Thanks for sharing!!!! ^_^
is zip broken? cant open *cry*
Shouldn't be.. have just checked and it still works for me.
Thanks for these, they're great.
Hey, James, have you tried all the
there are so much, just have no traffic to get them all at this moment.
Found a few problems and a fix for one... In Deep Blue, comments would not work... Fix is below...
Change: <?php comments_template( is_single() ); // Get wp-comments.php template ?>
To: <?php comments_template();?>
You can of course keep the comment at the end if you wish... :)
Quentin 1.0 doesn't seem to work either. Comments will not function. I am not too sure how to fix this one. There also seems to be something jacked up with the CSS in this one, but I can't find anything odd and can't identify what is wrong... I just see something odd... Maybe a whole day at work can cause that or something... Bah... Just a heads up for everyone though.
Yep, I've fixed Quentin and will apply this once I get the chance & upload a new pack (although others are welcome to do the same & I'll just work from theirs)
Something very odd with the coding for Quentin... no returns ... bizzare.
About the choice of themes... I get mine from http://www.alexking.org/software/wordpress/theme_browser.php but to be honest I reckon tehre needs to be a new competition or something.
My selection criteria are basically:
-Is it not totally awful looking ;)
-Has someone asked me to upload it for them?
-Does it rely on images etc? (pain in the & not necessarily relevant)
I'm thinking that I don't *really* want to get too close to 100 either as there is too much of a good thing and down the line I'll probably want to insert something in the footers or wotnot about being powered by xxxx. I guess that would be best done by php, any code suggestions welcome.
James, put in every footer something like require_once('../../footercontent.php'); and use it.
I deleted some themes of your package, because of the unbeauty, but now i want to compile more from this link...
Yeh.. some of them 'aint too grand but there's no accounting for taste eh :D
Thanx for the code suggestion... am learning on my feet here so stuff like this is seriously welcomed!
Just out of curiosity, has anyone had issues with pages not working correctly after applying these templates? All of the sites on my box suddenly don't work... Well, pages don't work... you get the idea... Just kindof an odd thing...
Not really, have had the odd problem but not across the range.... how do pages go with the default theme?
Took me a while to figure out some things, and it seems that the code to even display pages is not even included with most of the themes... I am in the process of testing some of the changes I have made and will update you if my changes work out...
Farms, just wanted to send a quick thanks. I now have the themes available to my users at http://www.dakotablogs.com/.
Thanks again!
Farms this was relly what I needed to get things started. Thanks so much.
Posted 19 years ago #
Does anyone have this file? The link doesnt work.
After uploading all themes on my newly installed WPMU (www.dy2010.de) I tried to "activate" the themes in "Site Admin / Themes". However after klicking "NO" in the respective radio buttons and klicking the "Update Themes" button on the bottom of the page, the whole thing reloaded, came up with the message "Options saved", but the radio buttons have jumped back to the initial state - "YES" for all the newly uploaded themes.
Am I stupid? Have I missed something?
Thanks for the themes. they are being used over at http://isthy.name
i also added support for the sidebar editor plugin if anyone is interested.
people have told me they are interested, so here's a link to all of them:
Also, i am well aware that some of the themes (mostly the ones with 2 sidebars) need to be individually cusomized to work, and I haven't had the time to sit down and do that. Also, there are a couple of themes that need to be individually customized because each section has it's own colors.
if i get around to it, i'll try and update them.
Anyone have a working copy of Deep Blue? The one that's included is 1.22 and the author put up 1.5 but the link no longer works and he doesn't seem to be interested in supporting it anymore.
Posted 18 years ago #
I have Deep Blue for WP1.22 working if you need it. :)
Nah, I've got the WP1.22 version but the footer's mucked up and I haven't had the time to mess with it. (I have tried moving around a few calls though but still won't work.)
Posted 18 years ago #
Icic, haven't messed around with that theme yet. Is it fully WPMU-tized?
Not the 1.22 version. :)
Didn't even have widgets IIRC.
Anyone been able to get Ocadia 1.3 to run? I've got 1.1 working (it's in the theme pack) but I get an error concerning the sidebar function being called again. (Actually get that on all of the upgrades on his themes)