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OpenID client (5 posts)

  1. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I know that there is an OpenID server plugin for WPMU but is there a WPMU OpenID client - basically a MU version of

    which allows users to use existing OpenIds to login to their blogs

    I've grabbed the latest version of it and I think the biggest problem is in the code that creates/updates/deletes tables

  2. jdub
    Posted 16 years ago #

    For the benefit of those stumbling across this old thread, I've just ported WP-OpenID to WPMU, which answers the needs of the original poster -- logins and comments with OpenID support. :-)

  3. takuya
    Posted 16 years ago #

    This WP-OpenID plugin has a bug.

    After enabling this plugin, you won't be able to make any changes to your profile because whenever you try to save your profile, following error occurs.

    For security reasons, your profile URL must be one of your claimed Identity URLs:

    You'll be asked to enter your OpenID URL to your profile URL, but even if you put that in the field, the same error shows up and never moves on.

    Also after two days enabled this OpenID plugin, my system blocked me accessing the admin area, although my id and password were the same from the beginning.

  4. takuya
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I added another OpenID and it's working.
    Perhaps one OpenID is not enough to make this work properly...

  5. phipps
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Takuya: Are you still using the plug-in? I just installed the latest WP MU and am interested in allowing users to log-in with their openIDs. Wondering if it works with the latest version or if you had any further thoughts / feedback regarding its use. Did it work with more than 2 OpenID ;-)

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by SteveAtty
  • Latest reply from phipps