On the version wordpress-mu-1.2.3-2.2.1, in the file wp-admin\admin-db.php on line 677 there exist:
This code is not in a loop; So it gives the error:
Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /home/public_html/wp-admin/admin-db.php on line 677
When I delete the line, wpmu works...
It is intresting that: I looked the one of previous version... the code was same and wpmu was working properly...!!!
well bug reports go over at http://trac.mu.wordpress.org not here in teh forums.
searching the forums would be even better though :)
im sorry for not searching topics... :(
i thought that it wasnt found.
you see: the other topic started 2 months ago, but the code wasnt changed in the last version.
and im not a experienced trac user. well i must work on it :)
have a nice day
Not a problem. The important thing, did you get it working?