I am not sure which file I need to modify to change the wording on the wp-signup.php. Newbie question, I know. But I searched through the files and could not find the current wording structure to change it!
I am not sure which file I need to modify to change the wording on the wp-signup.php. Newbie question, I know. But I searched through the files and could not find the current wording structure to change it!
What specific wording are you trying to change?
Get your own ______ account in seconds
Fill out this one-step form and you'll be blogging seconds later!
How about changing this code:
<h2><?php printf( __('Get your own %s account in seconds'), $current_site->site_name ) ?></h2>
<p><?php _e( "Fill out this one-step form and you'll be blogging seconds later!" ); ?></p>
Which is clearly in wp-signup.php, somewhere in the middle?