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Facebook integration (19 posts)

  1. kdesilva
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Has anyone seen (or made) anything that can integrate with Facebook (or for that matter Twitter or any other social network) ?

  2. lodbot
    Posted 17 years ago #

    This is the closest I've seen:

    I know Facebook has a nice API, so I'm guessing that there would definitely be some cool integration.

    As for Twitter, I'm not sure.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Twitter has sidebar widgets for WP.

  4. kdesilva
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Where do you get that from? Twitter?

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    uh, yeah. If it's not an automatic widget, it's easy enough to make it so if someone hasn't already done it.

  6. kdesilva
    Posted 17 years ago #

    This looks like a good twitter one..

    not sure if it works in MU however ( will try it later )

  7. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Alex Kings Twitter Tools works fine with MU

  8. kdesilva
    Posted 17 years ago #

    that's great! Now twitter is fine and dandy, but I was originally looking for something that worked with facebook ;)

  9. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    What part of facebook are you trying to add in? I'm not toally clear here as to what you;re doing.

  10. kdesilva
    Posted 17 years ago #

    well I wanted to see what was out there first.. but I think it would be very cool to be able to see

    a) your face-book mini-feed
    b) your friends
    c) your groups
    d) possibly the latest comments

    if there was a little either widget or what have you on the side that just showed that (like a little badge) it would tie to two in great..

  11. kp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Just like to second kdesilva's interest and need. I have been looking to no avail. With all the new Facebook Platform buzz, you would think this is on someone's list. I would love to find a Facebook WP intergration for events especially.

  12. honewatson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Imagine facebook users creating content for your site having never logged into to your wordpress install - both posts and comments.

    Your posts and comments are created and appear in facebook - and they're posted to your wordpress simultaneously.

    How about facebook as the user interface for wordpress mu (as a ui option of course)?

    Simultaneous publishing to facebook and wordpress - you get facebook traffic and normal web traffic.

    Drupal for facebook does this and it would be cool if MU could too. With Drupal for Facebook you can post everything to your drupal site through facebook. All your posts show up in the facebook user profiles as well to users who are subscribed. They can comment within facebook and the comments also get published on the Drupal site.

    So its simultaneous publishing.

    It would be awesome if someone could create a plugin for MU as well. I'd do it myself but my php skills are lame.

  13. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

  14. honewatson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm pretty neutral towards Google actually.

    Steve, none of these plugins offer the kind of functionality I'm looking for.

    The first two are completely unrelated plugins. Adam Hill's plugin is a hack which doesn't even use the facebook api (god bless Adam Hill). Tan Noodles plugin is for photos and doesn't work in Mu.

    Full Integration - only works for - its the kind of functionality I'm looking for but currently its not available for Mu.

    If anyone is interested I have money to pay for this development.

  15. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    "Tan Noodles plugin is for photos and doesn't work in Mu."

    That's funny, I have it working, as well as adding a post to the FB Feed.

    I'm in the middle of working on something similar to the third one for a client. Not completely sure as to the direction it's going though. Some of it is still in the air.

  16. honewatson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well I couldn't get it working so I must be a putz.

  17. dbUNIT16
    Posted 17 years ago #

    What I'd like to see is a facebook app that will allow WPMU users to displays their 1-3 latest posts from their blogs on their facebook profile. The app should also display the logo of the MU site that hosts the blog.

    For example:
    My Blog:

    Latest Posts:

    babdfsdfsdfs sdfsdfssdfs
    > Read More

    > Get your free Sitename blog!

    If anyone is interested in developing this for me, I will pay! dbUNIT (at) cox (DOT) net

  18. tomhowson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi Dbunit,

    You can already do this for free! Check out

    Works a treat for me.


  19. drew3000
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I don't think any of these have addressed the notion of using Wordress as a tool for creating appplications for Facebook, which is what Drupal users are doing these days, where people in Facebook are eessentially using your Wordpress install to create profiles and use tools within Facebook. Would be groovy if it's out there.

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by kdesilva
  • Latest reply from drew3000