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instal z space quotas (11 posts)

  1. dream77
    Posted 17 years ago #


    I do not understand the info given at number two. I have no clue on what to write, all I know is what file to edit, but I do not know what to write and where. Please help me giving me a correct code and where to put it.

    1. Place z-space.php in the mu-plugins directory.

    2. Call zspace_details() from the wp-admin/index.php file (ideally under the _e('Latest Activity') line).

    3. Configure plugin through 'Options' menu on main blog backend.


  2. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    And you want to run an MU environment?

    Seriously, you really need to brush up on some skills else MU will end up "kicking your tail".

  3. dream77
    Posted 17 years ago #

    "And you want to run an MU environment?

    Seriously, you really need to brush up on some skills else MU will end up "kicking your tail"."

    Ok, so when you started out coding php and using wordpress mu you where an expert in the area? Seriously if you are that god, help me instead. If you do not whant to help me, please do not bother to answer at all. Forum like this one for example exist on the internet so that people can exchange knowledge.

    Please, I have googled a little bit on calling php, but when I try to implement it I just end up with errors or warnings. I would be glad if someone could give me a correct code or guide me in the right direction.


  4. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    OK, if that's the route you want to go...

    MU requires that you have at least of fundamental understanding of certain things. You will find that most people here are not willing to teach those basics, and spoon feed people.

    There are plenty of forums and resources to learn PHP, MySQL, Apache, HTML/XHTML, XML, and CSS.

    If you can't edit a simple file, or understand how to edit it even, how are you going to support users on your site?

  5. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    WordPress MU is not something I'd approach with no real knowledge of PHP.

    I'd been using/tweaking phpBB for about 3 years and using/tweaking wikimedia for about 18 months before looking at WordPress MU and I still find it daunting.

    You are going to find code that doesn't work quite right and you are going to need to debug it - I had to rewrite an entire function in a plugin the other week.

    Lunabyte might be being a bit blunt but he is only telling you the truth.

  6. verbal36
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Lunabyte might be being a bit blunt but he is only telling you the truth.

    I think the thing of it is is that a lot of people come to MU feeling like the process of getting the site running will be as "Plug & Play" as regular WP..(at least I know I did)..They're also probably web designers by trade..(Like myself) and not object oriented programmers. It isn't like there's some sort of "skill rating" warning next to the download My thing an environment like this..there should be no "stupid questions". Maybe a forum designated for "beginners" would clear the clutter and folks who give advice here probably wouldn't feel like they have to sift through questions they feel have no merit.. just my thoughts

    I personally have enjoyed the challenge of getting my project into shape..

  7. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    That's an issue we've been fighting for who knows how long, really.

    It's not plug and play, and it's not near the simplicity of WP. However, the standard information available makes it "seem" like someone can duplicate in 5 minutes or less. That just isn't the case.

    Where the balance lies, I don't honestly know. It's been a topic of great debate, many times.

    Unfortunately, the powers that be aren't going to tell someone flat out that it's server level software, and requires a good working knowledge of several things.

    While the "normal" WP support forums may hold hands and sing songs while explaining how to change a link color, or make a basic file edit, that's just something that reg's around here "expect" you to know if you want to be a blog host. Unfortunately, MU has been brought to the attention of many a user that then gets the stars in their eyes and big dreams of being a big player. All with a simple 5 minute set-up.

    The downside is that they come here expecting that, and quickly find out that no, shared hosting is not recommended by any regular member here. For many reasons, but that's another thread.

    Then they find out that they need to know how to troubleshoot problems, know a little bit of PHP, and several other skills that overwhelm them.

    Some dig in and are ready and willing to step up their knowledge. For others, the challenge is too great for their situation. It's nothing personal against an individual, everybody can't be a master of all trades. However, there are certain things that someone should be at least comfortable with if they truly want to make a great site based on MU, and there are plenty of resources out there to help get a basic grasp on the basic skills that are expected and needed to run the software.

    Like I said, some dig in and learn. Others can't/don't/won't, so how are they to support their users? They can't, and turn here for an answer when supporting their own users is really their job and not yours or mine.

    Unfortunately, MU isn't for everyone, as much as they would like to use it. If they truly want to use it, they dig in and learn some basics. If not, they usually end up going another route and giving up on MU. Not because it's a bad project, but because they got in over their head without realizing it, and had not a clue that it is more advanced than they could handle. In turn, they get a bad taste in their mouth, which leaves a lasting impression.

    Sometime, and I'll admit it, I'm pretty direct with my postings. This stems from several reasons, really.

    1) Someone can't take the time to make a search for something that has been answered 1000 times. And if a topic on the same thing is on the front page of the forums, stand by.

    2) Due to multiple native languages amongst users here, and not everyone speaking English as their primary (yet all post are in English, and should be to reach as many possible people as possible), I take the approach that being more direct is better overall for non-native speakers to be able to understand or translate. I won't deny that I read some posts and just can't understand what they are trying to say. Nothing personal, it's not their fault, but if I can't grasp what they are trying to ask or respond with, I just move on.

    3) Spoon feeding. This isn't the main WP support forums. This is a forum for an advanced level software, and unfortunately there just isn't time to teach the basics, and wading through 100 posts of things that should already be known creates an even further frustration for people trying to find answers. That kinda one of the reasons I started my own discussion forum for advanced issues. So we can talk about and hash out true problems when they arise, and then bring back the solution here. Instead of wading through 4 or 5 pages of something to try and piece together a solution, the entire solution is right there in the first post. Granted, we also shoot the bull quite a bit there, but that's beside the point. When an issue comes up on an advanced issue, we can hash it out and then bring it back here. If someone wants to read through the entire thread over there, they can.

    OK, that was longer than I thought it would be. lol

  8. verbal36
    Posted 17 years ago #

    While the "normal" WP support forums may hold hands and sing songs while explaining how to change a link color, or make a basic file edit, that's just something that reg's around here "expect" you to know if you want to be a blog host.

    OMG.. I almost choked on my chicken sandwich when I read that! lol .. I've never spoken to you luna but I can just about hear the sarcasm..

    Maybe a sticky that said "PHP/Host/Wp beginners" please read.. basically that would be a general faq directing people with beginner level skills to some helpful places..It might save some time on the back end.

  9. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    We tried that, actually. I put together a huge (even by my standards) post on it. It was well thought out, but ended up in a big debate. (Imagine that)

    And yeah, with the main WP forums I have much sarcasm. lol

    There's a reason I don't read them, and that's it. LOL

    However, to quote the readme from the MU package:

    "If you're not comfortable editing PHP code, taking care of a complex webserver and database system and being pro-active about following developments of this project then run, don't walk, to and sign yourself and your friends up to free blogs.

    It's easier in the long run and you'll save yourself a lot of pain
    and angst."

    So "technically", there is a warning in there about it. Me personally, I think that should be in bright, bold red letters at the top of the install screen, since it seems that a lot of people don't even read the readme file.

    Either that, or they don't take that paragraph seriously.

  10. ThinIce
    Posted 17 years ago #

    In answer to the original poster's query I'm not sure step two is actually necessary with the version available at

    Just pop the file in the mu-plugins dir and off you go (the bar graph on the dash just shows up)

    (its been a couple of weeks since we added the plugin to our site and I haven't got my "remind self" docs on me so if this is spurious my apologies).

    To the wider discussion I do agree with Lunabyte (and as a recent lurker it is quite heartening to read his post above explaining some of his more responses ;) )

    However as someone who has been working with wpmu for a max of two months I'll give my several cents.

    I posted my own stupid question recently regarding being able to configure danalog's tag cloud plugin, a few options just needed changing in the tag plugin this depends on that more reading of the docs might have revealed to me - luckily I got some very helpful responses and we were on our way once more with the right boxes ticked.

    From my recent experience (our test site for a max of 20 people which will run for several months live before we do anything that would get customers near it is about 85% feature complete) I'd consider the following as pre-requisites if you want to work with mu and don't have experienced friends or colleagues to call on when you run into difficulties.

    1. Have used self hosted wordpress for at least six months (by used I mean making a site you're happy with and blogging to it regularly).

    2. Be comfortable installing and fixing small issues with widgets, plugins and themes (i.e be comfortable reading through the code, following the logic into the database if something isn't working as expected). These forums are an invaluable resource but will often only point you in the right direction, you'll have to apply the solution or follow the logic through so it fits to your site).

    3. Ideally have written some plugins / widgets / themes for wp yourself (myself and my co developer hadn't - and we wish we had!)

    4. Be able to manage the necessities on a dedicated server or VPS (if you need to hire hardening or optimisation experts fine). Our site is currently sitting on a shared host and will hopefully be fine there - once we're ready to deploy a site that will be for the wider public rather than friends from reading this forum it appears that this is the ONLY reliable way to go). My experience as a systems engineer at a shared hosting company completely backs this up.

  11. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yep, I won't deny I'm direct quite a bit. It might seem bitter, but when I'm being a dick... you'll know it. LOL

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by dream77
  • Latest reply from lunabyte