1) if you haven't changed hosts, there isn't anything anyone can do.
2) PLEASE read the directions, and DO NOT EDIT WP-CONFIG FILE.
Other than that, this topic doesn't serve any other purpose.
1) if you haven't changed hosts, there isn't anything anyone can do.
2) PLEASE read the directions, and DO NOT EDIT WP-CONFIG FILE.
Other than that, this topic doesn't serve any other purpose.
Why do you keep editing the wp-config.php file when we keep telling you not to?
i can reset wp-config.php and dye problem!!!
No WPMU site defined on this host. If you are the owner of this site, please check Debugging WPMU for further assistance. :(
sismblog, just delete the wp-config.php file, upload the unmodified wp-config-sample.php file and then click reload in your browser.
a few versions ago, the authors goofed and changed the $table_prefix default in the Config sample from wpmu_ to wp_
If you manually edit your config file to return to the "old" wpmu_ then the software will see your original database files.
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