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NEED HELP or ADVICE with Tweaks for a School Set Up (3 posts)

  1. henk
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I'm exploring the possibility of incorperating a student BLOG into a student e-portfolio at a middle school. However, there are some 'wants' that would make using MU realistic.<p />
    Ideally, I'd like to be able to auto set up multiple BLOGS [one per student], and 'authentication' linked to the the servers local users [e.g. ldap], but maybe could live without this if..

    (1) HardCode the password(s) rather than have them randomly set.
    (2) We could reuse an email for multiple BLOGs

    Is any? or part or all of this possible?

    Scenario, the teacher would set up the student BLOGs for their class, and then be the 'admin'. Trying to minimise the setup steps, AND bypass the students from having to complete several steps to set them up AND make password management easier and teacher controlled. (The students are 11-14 yrs old).


  2. kahless
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I'm pretty sure (2) works, but haven't tested it. I can certainly try. What you can't have is the same username creating multiple blogs, as I understand things.

  3. sskhalsa
    Posted 19 years ago #

    for me, i cannot have the same email addy regged. If I register with a new username and a email addy that already ahs an account, it gives error that username is taken.

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