I've read http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=4242&replies=7
I have wordpress-mu-1.2.3-2.2.1 installed on my server, php5 and apache2, mysql5. I'm on mac os x, and i use safari 3 beta and firefox
I wanted to install it at the root domain, example.com, but I wanted to use http://www.example.com because it looks nicer, and that's how all my business cards are printed (so, when someone goes to the www. version they get redirected to example.com). Since wordpress-mu doesn't support this, the login didn't work (because of the cookies).
I had no problem with installing the mu in a different domain, and then making a blog in the http://www.example.com domain, so that's what i did. I installed the mu at wp.example.com, and I could login to the wp.example.com domain and administer everything fine. I created a new blog, and changed all the URL and domain settings to example.com (instead of name.wp.example.com). And I also added another domain, example2.com
All of the extra domains have non-www. visitors redirected to the www. version of the domain.
I guess that is where the cookie problem comes in. When I login to the wp.amarimono.com backend and click on the backend for the respective sites, it brings me to a login page. When I login, it just redirects me back to the login page.
I'm assuming that mu tries to make a example.com cookie, but since I'm viewing it at www. it doesn't work? (I'm also assuming the same for example2.com).
If so, is there a way to change mu so it makes a www. cookie instead? Or is this a different problem?