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Does MU proliferate and encourage spam on the internet? (7 posts)

  1. Mabobo
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Does MU proliferate and encourage spam on the internet?

    I ask this question as my blog service that's been up and running for 2 years and gets spammed continuously. When I use the restrict email use hack, it stops legit bloggers from creating an account or discourages users from using it. The legit users I have often start out well with blogging but often get bored and leave.

    I feel that this is a serious question.

    Is MU encouraging spam on the internet? I'm starting to think that MU doesn't encourage the growth of blogging - but rather the growth of spam across the internet as spam bots can easily hack the software... What do others think?

  2. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    bloodly frigging akismet....

    Is there really a point to this?

    Spammers also use Should that be banned and removed from the net?

    A lot of spammers use regular wordpress as well. Not a whole lot that can be done with it.

  3. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Look at it in perspective.

    Who do you blame more? The bastards that spam, or the retarded a-holes that should be taken out of the gene pool for buying that crap which encourages the bastards to make more crap for the a-holes, which generates more clicks, which generates more...

    See the cycle? If there was nobody buying that crap, there would be no bastard spammers.

    Kind of a chicken or an egg thing, but that's debatable.

    However, to say that MU is encouraging spam, is like saying guns encourage violence and murder. Which, is definitely not the case. It's the individual that holds the responsibility for their actions, and until the world gets off this whole "politically correct" standpoint, and people start holding individuals accountable, we're in for a long, long battle.

  4. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Oh, and to add to that, if someone can't lock down their MU site and use the tools and knowledge around them to stop bots, then they probably shouldn't be running it anyway.

    It's legitimate humans that are tough to beat, but it isn't impossible to keep a step ahead of them.

  5. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    ACtually I didn't mind the bots. Just raised the count on the number of splogs that were shut down. Could be a selling point.

  6. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You can say the same thing about PHPBB - spam is an equally big problem there.

    Spammers are scum - they poison everything with their dirt. My brothers website gets spammed - he's had over 1100 spam entries in the guest book in the past 18 months and he uses custom code for his website.

  7. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well, hell, with comments turned off, MT can be very secure.

    (Anyone catch that smartassed jab? LOL)

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