I believe that I followed the instructions. After installing, I opened the index.php page, entered the database details etc. and hit install (or whatever it said) and a brief message came up saying something along the lines of
"config file modified"
But then nothing. Just a blank page. Has this been seen before?
I am attempting to reinstall (deleted files, and uploaded again). A bit extreme maybe, but thought that I may as well try again while waiting for a reply of some sort...
PHP works OK (use on other sites / pages)
Rewrites all work OK (use on other sites)
Things that I did not do:
In the <Directory> directive of your virtual host, look for this line "AllowOverride None" and change it to "AllowOverride FileInfo Options"
It is laready set to AllowOverride All"
Did not change the DNS yet, as I thought that it was not required at this stage of installation.
No changes to PHP yet for same reason.
Would this be the problem, i.e. not making all the modifications?