i have like 10 plugins but when i actived them, just 4 i can see and i can use them, why this happen the plugings are
Anarchy Media Player Mu , appear active but doesnt work
Audio player ,appear active but doesnt work
Blogger RSS Import, works fine
Compartelo (Share This) ,work fine
CoolPlayer , appear active but doesnt work
Global Translator , works fine
Google Sitemaps, appear active but doesnt work
ImageShack Uploader, works fine
WP-Sticky, works fine
WP-UserOnline, appear active but doesnt work
WP-UserOnline Widget, appear active but doesnt work
and many more doesnt work at all.
wpsary , appear active but doesnt work
embedded-video-with-link ,appear active but doesnt work
buy-me-beer_131, appear active but doesnt work
StickyPost, appear active but doesnt work
Sidebar Widgets.php , appear active but doesnt work
some of them have to show in the manager or options or when u write a post but they arent there