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HOWTO choose English when using multiple languages and English isn't default? (2 posts)

  1. xiand0
    Posted 17 years ago #

    How do you make the noramlly default English language optionally available when a WPMU has two languages (language files) installed and the default isn't English?

    The language choices right now are Default (which isn't english) and the two not-English languages. I'd like people who prefer English to be albe to choose English if they prefer that.

    Is there any simple way to make English available as a choice (i.e choose to not use a .mo file under wp-includes/languages)? Or do I have to figure out where to get a/the English .mo file for WordPress and put it in languages to make this work (which really doesn't make that much sense since the php files already include the English text..)

  2. hormart
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi Xiando,

    I had the same problem. I just created the English .mo file and put it into /languages folder.

    Take it if you want :-) However there is no guarantee ..

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