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Global Categories (in the back-end this time!) (1 post)

  1. softlord
    Posted 17 years ago #


    I've read a bunch of the posts about having global categories available on the front-end, but what i'd like to have within my site is the functionality of the 'category' section of creating a new post being populated globally (i.e. not per-blog, one list of every category ever created). I have the main page of my site aggregating (via WP-O-Matic) feeds from all of my subdirectory blogs (there are only 6), and i would love for category pages on that main blog to contain all posts from all blogs that contain that category (i.e. if someone posted in blog 1 with category 'xyz' and someone posted in blog 2 with category 'xys', going to would show both posts.

    Is this possible? I already have many categories set up, if that makes a difference.

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by softlord