Hi, I am trying to create a czech localization file for wpmu, especially the wp-signup.php file.
What I did:
1) I take poEdit, create new catalog, set the directory to my directory with wpmu, set keywords to _ and _E. poEdit generates a lot of string, about 1700. I try to translate some of them using poedit. I save it.
2) I open the po file in a text editor, choose only the strings that I want to translate. I add these strings as a text into an already working translation file for regular wordpress. I save it.
3)I open the new file with both my new translations and a translation for regular wordpres with poEdit, and save it. My mo file gets actualized. I upload it to the web. And nothing happens. My new localized wp-signup strings do not appear, the text is still in english.
Where is the problem?
I use WP MU 1.2.1 with k2 v.096 theme with regular wordpress and k2 czech file.