Yes, the joys of using pre-alpha code in active development ... my frontlogin returns wp-login for the right domain after being redirected from the tempaccount. You then login from there.
There are a heap of changes after the 6/11 build I'm using and I was waiting until things bedded in a bit before updating the site. Does frontlogin only work with the latest builds?
At the moment it only works for me if the user goes straight to their wp-login without a redirect... so for the meanwhile here's a dirty js hack. I took andrewbillits lead and rewrote it in Javascript so the form posts straight to the right subdomain:
function ActionURL()
var blog = document.loginform.log.value;
var server = 'YOUR.DOMAIN.COM';
document.loginform.action = ('http://' + blog + '.' + server + '/wp-login.php');
return true;
with onClick="return ActionURL();" in the submit input. Works for me at the moment although wrong username returns the fatal error blog not found message which is messy. And admin can't login from front page, which I kind of like anyways.
Like I said, a dirty interim hack, but why are some sites redirecting to wp-login while others log into wp-admin?