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What is the future of MUWP and how different from WP? (5 posts)

  1. macgruder
    Posted 19 years ago #

    MUWP is perfect for my needs, and of course one of the benefits is that it is open source. However, I'm wondering how it ties in with regular WP.

    Can we expect regular WP extensions to work?

    Will the two versions diverge when WP moves to a new version?

    Are the author(s) of MUWP attempting to keep it future compatible with a roadmap for regular WP?

    Keep up the good work. This is an amazing contribution to the opensource community.


  2. Farms
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Can we expect regular WP extensions to work?

    -Some of them :) Most with hacking!

    Will the two versions diverge when WP moves to a new version?

    -Doesn't look like it, from what I can tell WPMU is basically WP with hacks & MU... also Matt & Donncha's involvement will keep these babies pretty close I should imagine.

    Are the author(s) of MUWP attempting to keep it future compatible with a roadmap for regular WP?

    -See above

    Probably the best gauge of where this is going (at least in part) is

    Cheers, James

  3. lynk
    Posted 19 years ago #

    WPMU uses the next milestone version of WP, which isn't even available as an official beta.

  4. macgruder
    Posted 19 years ago #

    These answers seems good :-)

    >>>WPMU uses the next milestone version of WP, which isn't even available as an official beta.

    Does this mean most extensions won't work at the moment. Perhaps even WP extensions will break on an milestone version.

  5. Farms
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Some work, some don't... mostly this is due to MU facilities rather than anything to do with MU.

    We could do with a working list of plugins & pestering plugin authors to come over and adapt.

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