Does anyone know if there's read-only access to the Subversion trunk where MU is stored?
I've read through this page:
But it's about the main Wordpress app not the MU version.
Does anyone know if there's read-only access to the Subversion trunk where MU is stored?
I've read through this page:
But it's about the main Wordpress app not the MU version.
I don't think there is a current one available, I've asked several times and have only been greeted by silence.
it seems fan users will make mu to release faster then author according to changelog.
I think and WPMU have different priorities to the core developers, even though is based on WPMU it seems to get the most attention. It would be nice if WPMU was the core and then the additional stuff were patches or extensions to the WPMU core.
Same with bbpress. Everywhere is bbforum installed, but shared bbpress was bugged when i tried it.
O'well. Anyone up for working on an open source project that helps you run a weblog network, or pull content from various WordPress or WordPress MU powered blogs, and do stuff with it? (make an uber site for them, for example)
Let me know =)
Heh, I'm no programmer but I'll test & request till you're sick of me, I agree with you about the shifting change in priorities with the .com and this... not that I can blame 'em!
Wmu is a best variant, dont think its a good idea to do a migration.
More than that Wordpress has a perfect code and plugin api.
The nightly build is at r446 is at r188
Why havent the developers posted the URL to the current subversion repository that they are using for development.
I am a developer with more then 10 years of experience and was thinking of helping out with the wpmu.
Can the core developers please post the URL to the current subversion repository that they are using for development.
If you guys need me to host it, I can donate a opteron 244 centos 4.x server for hosting the repo.
Let me know,
The people you need to contact are Matt and Donncha.
You can file bugs and patches here:
I would encourage people wanting to participate in development to start submitting patches there.
In the past MU had some very questionable code submissions that would have never made it into core WP. Now code needs to meet the same standard of quality we use for WordPress.
I'll see about getting proper SVN setup, but don't let that stop anyone from participating in development.
Hey matt, i've tried emailing you several times over the last three or four months.
I'm the guy that owns and if you want I would be more than happy to set the dns to whatever you want. It's currently parked at sedo with about 200 of my other domains. I just wanted to make sure that you know i'm not trying to scam off of WPMU's name or anything.
Anyway, my email is andrew (@t) if you would like to email me the your dns info. I also own if you would like to use that for the wpmu svn or whatnot.
Hi Matt,
Happy thanksgiving.
You wrote:
"You can file bugs and patches here:"
The URl that you gave is just serving up the subversion repository at: its at r188. Hence its more then 6 months old.
There is no point submitting patches to something 6 months old.
Point to the current version of the svn repository and then let me show you some magic :)
Once again I am serious about the offer for the hardware and the b/w The servers are at a datacenter in the Bay area.
Andrew said:
"Hey matt, i've tried emailing you several times over the last three or four months."
Andrew sorry to say this:
1. dont hijack a subversion related thread with your "semmingly sleazy" domain offer.
If you want to prove to the community why your offer is not sleazy then please explain: (in another topic btw)
You are not transferring the domain to matt you are only offering to set the DNS to what he wants it to be for the time being. Whats to protect the community, if after 2 years you want to point the DNS somewhere else or better yet insert some adsense code?
topgun: you see, this is why I don't deal with wpmu much anymore. hell, if someone wants the damn domains they just have to ask but no one has. Therefore I offered to set the dns to whatever. I registered them back before matt setup the site. Also, if you want to talk about sleazy offers, why don't you check into how became available to the wordpress community in the first place. Unlike that domain, I registered the above mentioned domains out of good spirit and trying to be helpfull. If you had taken the time to notice then you would have realized that the domains were only parked at sedo TWO days ago and they are NOT optmized in any way to draw income from advertising. I parked them there just to keep track of them along with other domains I have no use for. Once again, unlike other sleazy domain offers, I do not intend on renewing the domains and if you notice they were only registered for a year. Please don't take offense to this but the next time you want to go barking at people would you please atleast have the courtesy to contact them personally.
I'm very sorry if my "offer" appeared as "sleazy" but it was never meant to be taken that way. I was only trying to be helpful. Seeing as how I have tried and get this sort of feedback, i've had it with trying to help people here. I never claimed to be an expert because i'm not, but I do try. As for the domains, they will be unparked from sedo and I will just simply let them expire. No sweat off my back. Best wishes to you mate.
Hi Andrew,
When you post online learn to have thick skin. I learnt this lesson not long ago myself.
If you see the choice of my words:
"semmingly sleazy"
"your offer is not sleazy then please explain"
I posted what I posted just to get the explanation from you. I do not know the details of but apparently the owner of is getting a lawyer to try and get the domain back. That is what I last read at some blog. I am not an expert at this case.
So its just a suggestion that in future you might want to explain your offer more in detail.
Happy thanksgiving mate, and I am sorry if I came across as If i was trying to get back at you.
If you dont hear back from matt, Let me know if u are still interested to do something with maybe we will just set something up there together :)
topgun, contact me at the above email address please.
I've setup a subversion repository for tracking WordPressMU (seeing that the wordpress-smarty respository is older than the unstable WordPressMU builds). The Trac instance to the subversion repository which I've setup is located on
I will look into providing others with access to subversion on that box in the near future.
Uhm if the core developers aren't committing code or tracking bugs filed there there then what is the point of that exactly?
bsdguru thanks for trying to help, but i dont think that will help.
We need access the same repository to which the core developers are committing their code. For us to be able to do anything meaningful contribution.
Matt you mentioned: "I'll see about getting proper SVN setup"
Any luck with that ?
topgun I'm just committing changes to a subversion repository which I'm syncing up with the unstable tarball, my fixes and some changes from the main wordpress trunk.
jasone the idea is to maybe getting wordpress mu's community to contribute bug reports and feature requests, etc. without having to wait until matt gets round to fixing trac so users can open/comment on tickets and start submitting patches.
Can we split off the off-topic conversation into its own thread?
Also, is anyone running Wordpress MU off its svn trunk?
This requires WPMU trunk is asking me for username and password. What is that?
That's the secure trunk. Use this one:
Thanks for the info!
For newbies like me, here's how to do it.
1. Create a folder wpmu:
`mkdir wpmu' --> in public_html for instance
2. Now go to public_html level, and issue this command:
svn co wpmu
3. Done. It's installed. To update it in the future, simply execute:
svn up wpmu
It's been documented on Codex for ages:
I've updated the documentation to show how to run off a tagged version rather than HEAD. This makes it safer to run in production.
I hope this helps.
Yeah, it really helped me