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Multiple domains run from one install (4 posts)

  1. Snagglepuss
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am very sorry if this has already been covered. I did some searching and see parts of it have been but not quite like I'd like to do it.

    I'd like to install one copy of word press 2.2 or WPMU on one domain and run multiple blogs, each with a different template, and on different domains from it, (one blog on each domain, same server)

    What I'd like to do that I haven't found covered elsewhere, (Or perhaps I've been afflicted with a bad case of dumbitous and it's right in front of my face LOL) is to be able to have some posts go onto one blog, some into all blogs and others into just a couple blogs.

    This could be accomplished one of two ways. There could be a check box when I post with for each domains. Check the blogs you want the post to show up in.

    Or alternately something that would work even better for my situation is being able to set up which categories show up for each blog.

    Would MU work like this or is there a plug in for WP that would do the trick? I have a dedicated box and most current mods.

    Many thanks for any kind soul that would help out this dummie LOL.

  2. peiqinglong
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Are you talking about Dr. Mike's domain mapping solution?

  3. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sounds more like you need blogging software like blogdesk that will allow you to post to multiple blogs that you select beforehand.

  4. GeorgeLewis
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I think you can solve this by using regular wp and using the plugin!

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by Snagglepuss
  • Latest reply from GeorgeLewis