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Connecting WP and WPMU Login and Control Panel (7 posts)

  1. matt123
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I have a login form with a control panel that loads on my wpmu site. I have installed a copy of WP on a sub-directory. I want users to be able to use the login form and still have access to their control panel when on the WP side of the site.

    Do I just modify the config.php file on the WP install to look to the user tables on the WPMU database? There must be more???

    Any links to information or help is really appreciated.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Why not use one of the MU blogs instead of a seperate WP install? Would be easier.

  3. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Either that or get the two installs using the same database while sharing the same user and usermeta tables.

    Covered here:

    Hope this helps,

  4. matt123
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I don't want to set them up on the same database. Atleast I don't think I do. Maybe you can tell me I'm doing this all wrong:-).

    The whole idea for using WP is for users and visitors to be able to browse a moderated list of blog entries. Going to have moderators reviewing the blog entries, deleting, editing, and modifying them. I'm trying to get it to work as a blog driven e-zine type set-up. I want to have a copy of all the posts so the users blogs aren't affected by the moderators actions.

    Would I be better off adding some tables to the wpmu database to house a copy of all blog content, eliminating the problem of having the WP copy use the WPMU user tables?

    Hope that made sense.

    An additional reason was that WP has soo many more plugins.

    Thanks for the help!

  5. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    An additional reason was that WP has soo many more plugins.

    Just for reference, most wp plugins should work on the wpmu platform. If the plugin works for wp 2.1+, then it should work out of the box or with some small changes.

    I want to have a copy of all the posts so the users blogs aren't affected by the moderators actions.

    A better solution then would be using the sitewide tag solution we've discussed a few times where you pull all the posts via the wpmufeed plugin and import all of the posts into a single outside blog.

  6. matt123
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sorry. I should have clarified that I used dr.mikes site wide tags tech. Are you suggesting that I pull them onto a blog on a blog on the wpmu install?

  7. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sounds like a better solution than what you;re trying to do. Probably easier too.

    The only thing you woudl ahve to change is when you use the wpmufeed plugin, you're going to have to go it and remove the bit that tells the plugin to only feed the public blogs. It should as a default not feed any blog marked as private or hidden from the search engines.

    I would mark your special blog though as private or put it behind a password to keep your private users protected of course.

    Hope this helps,

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by matt123
  • Latest reply from drmiketemp