Posted 17 years ago #
I am using the plugin to signup using captcha image. It is working fine.
Is there a plugin to login using captcha image.
I have searched in the plugin download site and in the forums. I didn't come across one.
With signup and login using captcha, I am hoping it would make it difficult for spam to enter my system.
A quick Google search only shows them for commenting and for the signup that you mention. I'm not familiar with one.
I did find this discussion though that I wanted to point you to. It contains a few links that may be of interest:
Not sure if that will help. You're probably going to have to code something yourself or hack one of the comment plugins.
Good luck,
Posted 17 years ago #
wpmu-login-captcha plugin:
Reading the docs about 'how to create plugins' and hacking the wpmu-signup-captcha plugin, I created a plugin myself.
This plugin adds a number captcha image verification to the login page.
Thanks every body.
Posted 17 years ago #
Download link here.
There is one known bug.
The Login is working with URL "", but not with "".
If the login page is called directly using the URL "", the $_SESSION['captcha'] is not being initialized. The first login will fail and it gets redirected to "" Second login will pass.
Unfortunately, the default WPMU home page 'Login' URL directs to "". Change your home.php 'login' URL to "".
Posted 17 years ago #
I have a work around for the above bug. I remove the www in the site URL. I redirect the URL type to in .htaccess file. Add the following lines in your .htaccess file after 'RewriteBase /'
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) http://%1/$1 [R,L]
Posted 17 years ago #
Which is the way it "should" be to begin with.
The problem is that with a captcha at sign in you stand a chance of annoying you real users.
I can fully understand a captcha at sign up to prove I'm not a bot. I can fully understand a captcha for comments for unregistered users to prove they are not a bot.
Your site is apparently saying "I don't trust you" even if you have signed up.
If every time I visited a blog to post a entry I had to provide a login id, password AND a captcha then the blog would get one last entry from me and I wouldn't come back.
I make a litle php script (wp-captcha) and write some hacks to add a captcha to your WordPress MU you can see the captcha working in this site
and you can download and get help in this site