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Problem with site options update (19 posts)

  1. adminpnte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    In menu Site Admin > Options > Menus (Enable or disable WP Backend Menus), I've deactivated the Plugins checkbox, in order to verify the effect of this option in user blogs.

    Then I've tried to reactivate this option, but when I click in the Update Options menu, my browser (Firefox tries to open the wpmu-edit.php file, instead of updating the site options.

    It seems as if one the functions called by wpmu-edit.php was failing, but I haven't been able to get it.

    I'm using WPMU 1.2.4 in a Linux server, with Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.1.

    I've also installed Multi-user plugin Manager, version 1.2. I've uninstalled this plugin, as if it has something to do with this problem, but to no avail.

  2. greaterweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Have you had any resolution to this problem? I just made the upgrade to 1.2.4 (from 1.2.1) and I'm having identical problem.

    Browser is the same, server is running PHP 4.4.3.

    I've done a bit of heavy customizing to the admin features/functionality but enabling the plugins previously never seemed to be a problem.

    Doing comparisons to the wp-options.php and wp-edit.php files (both in wp-admin dir) from previous version, none of the changes jump out as a direct cause of the problem.

    I'll dig around a bit more and post if I come across a fix for this.


  3. greaterweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Possible bug on our hands? If you comment out line 35 of wpmu-edit.php:

    // update_site_option( "menu_items", $_POST[ 'menu_items' ] );

    The problem goes away. So stating the obvious something in the update_site_option function or functions used by update_site_option are causing the problem. These functions have been modified slight from the previous version.

    It's late. Off to bed for now, will have another look tomorrow.


  4. adminpnte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thank, Ron, for your comments. Looking at the logs in our servers, we've got a segmentation fault in Apache. Apparently, it has to do with PCRE library.

  5. greaterweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I've resolved my issue but not quite sure the actual source. After reading your response I went and checked my logs, did some testing and found this error with each update attempt (with plugins checkbox checked):

    FATAL: emalloc(): Unable to allocate 536870937 bytes

    Thats certainly quite a bit of space it was trying to allocate. After doing a few google searches I decided to look at the database. In the table wp_sitemeta I found three rows with meta_key values of menu_items. All three had no value set for meta_value.

    Initially I deleted two of the table entries but still didn't work. It wasn't until I deleted the last entry that the update started working properly. I rechecked the table and a new entry was set up properly.

    Best of luck getting your issues resolved.


  6. adminpnte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well done, Ron!

    With the help of your trick I've been able to recover "Plugins" option in WPMU backend menus.

    I had noticed some days ago that there were two or three menu_items rows in the wp_sitemeta table, but I didn't dare to delete all of them.

    Without risk there can be no glory!

    Anyway, the source needs a thorough checking.

    Eduardo Larequi.

  7. MaryJane
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm having this issue. Is this a bug? I cant change themes.

  8. jimgroom
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Like Maryjane (and this may be fodder for a new thread) I have had problems activating my WPMu themes from the site-admin tab. They all became unavailable, and when I try and re-activate them and update the change a dialog box pops up telling me I am ready to download the wpmu-edit.php file. This is happening from the wpmu-themes page. Has anyone else here come across a similar problem? I doenloaded the latest wpmu-edit.php and wpmu-themes.php files from the trunk and replaced the existing -all to no avail.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. jimgroom
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Greaterweb & Adminpte,

    Excellent troubleshooting, after reading what you wrote here and thinking it through for site-wide themes, I realized the same thing was happening for my themes in Site-Admin.

    I had to go in and delete the allowedthemes table, and it was recreated and is now working fine. Thanks again.

  10. neyoung
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks Ron, got my Plugin menu working again :)

  11. MaryJane
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I wish i could say the same for me. None of these fixes are working for my issue. I dont have three rows with meta_key values of menu_items in my tables. I deleted the allowed themes key , it remade itself but im still getting wpmu-edit file popping up. Is there any other way of fixing this issue?

  12. jimgroom
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hey Maryjane,

    here is what I did to fix the themes issue.

    using PhpMyadmin, I went into the wp_sitemeta tableand then to the meta_key table, browse that table and delete the “allowedthemes” row. Once you do this it will automatically re-populate the themes and allow you to update them. This worked for me, hope it does for you.

  13. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Just for some background info that might help some. This happened to me after installing BBPress, trying to get the theme (with the theme that mimicks my WP theme from:

    ) Then all of a sudden, my main blog theme went to the default one which is for my users (I'm still not open yet thankfully) so during the troubleshooting I deleted the default theme. Which acted like I unchecked the box, and that part made sense.

    Certain plugins, like maybe my (not my, but I used them) merging plugins with BBPress might mess with the DB, with some incompatibility or lack of total knowledge by the coder of MU?

    This is all interesting.

    And also to note; I did not have multiples, but deleting (after backing up) allowedthemes worked.

  14. Steve77
    Posted 16 years ago #

    You guys are fantastic, this helped me immensely. My problem was similar - whenever I tried to "activate" Themes in the Admin function, the screen hung up and did nothing.

    Thanks to what I read here, I went into the 'wp_sitemeta' table and deleted the row containing 'allowedthemes', but didn't touch the row containing 'allowed_themes', and now everything is working like a charm.

    Thank you!

  15. viulian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I had the same issue, I suspect the bug is in get_site_option method causing recursive calls between update_site_option and add_site_option.

    Even if I do have the allowed_themes entry in the database, this check (in wpmu-functions.php / update_site_option)

    if ( get_site_option( $key, false, false ) === false )
    add_site_option( $key, $value );

    executes, and add_site_option is called.

    But add_site_option function properly detects the allowed_theme to be present, and attempts to call update_site_option again:

    if ( null !== $exists ) {// If we already have it
    update_site_option( $key, $value );
    return false;

    This causes some recursion, and I ended up with a blank screen.

    So far, I have commented out the code add_site_option and option gets added.

  16. terenceonline
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have been able to replicate the same plugin problem in version 1.2.5a. I also noticed that a very similar issue occurs when I add domains to Limited Email Registrations. Once they are added it works. But once you remove them and try adding them again, my browser tries to open wpmu-edit.php and gives me a 404 error. I am not a database admin so phpMyadmin is a mystery to me. I tried deleting some tables one to fix a problem and I ruined the site. Any help on this would be amazing.

  17. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Check trac out for a quick fix.

  18. arnonel
    Posted 16 years ago #

    hi lunabyte, i cannot find the fix, can you post a link?

  19. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have the same issue on a brand new install, except it happens when I add a blog manually from the Site Admin.

    On a different server, the same code doesn't do it at all. *sighs*

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by adminpnte
  • Latest reply from andrea_r