If you scroll to the bottom of this page:
You will see a button for going to "next posts" but the URL is all wrong. It outputs...
when it should be:
<div class="fL"><?php previous_posts_link('<img src="/images/icons/blog_previous.gif" alt="Previous 10 Entries" />') ?></div>
<div class="fR"><?php next_posts_link('<img src="/images/icons/blog_next.gif" alt="Next 10 Entries" />') ?></div>
can anyone lend me a hand? Thanks so much!
Nevermind I fixed it by exporting the XML, and then deleting the blog, creating a new blog, and then importing the XML again. Not sure what happened here.
We like blaming stuff like that on SixApart gremlins. :)
Glad you got it working though.
edit: Just realized that you've got a subdirectory install. Maybe an issue with that as occasionally an issue raises it's head with that install. If it occurs again, I'd raise the issue up on trac.
Well I woke up this morning and it was back to its antics. The issue clearly can be seen at the bottom here:
Look in your link-template.php file.
I had a similar problem with my 'previous pages' links going wrong in that the doubled up the blog name. I commented out line 437 which is $home_root = trailingslashit($home_root);
So you might have similar problem to me. I'm also running in subdirectories
Thanks that really did the trick. Why is that code even there? Very odd.
Maybe its needed for subdomains - not really sure. I guess we'd need to see if someone with a subdomain install is willing to comment that line out and report back