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Earning from Blogs (11 posts)

  1. nims
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I was reading some posts here where people claim to have thousands of blogs on their WPMU installation and since lots of CPU (server) resources are required to maintain such number of blogs they have to move to dedicated servers. Most of these provide free creation of blogs.

    How do these people providing free creation of blogs earning money. ( lets not talk about or google etc. )
    Is it from google adsense and other text and banner ads ?
    Or is there something else also that may be I am not aware of ?
    I am really trying to understand the philosophy behind all such freebies. Not all will become popular and taken over by bigger companies. So what should be the approach, if one just wants to earn say USD1000 (one thousand dollars) per month by providing services like does. I mean by providing free blogs.

  2. byjournal
    Posted 17 years ago #

    i've opened at 1st of April :) I sell banner places and use russian context adverts. do the same. when you became popular prices of advert places will grow )

  3. Konstan
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Once I move to a dedicated box, I plan on adding non intrusive google ads.

    I hope it generates enough to at least pay for the server, since this is more like a hobby for me.

  4. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    $3.5 a day = $105 a month = The price for a half decent beginner's box. (Plus get you over the $100 a month payout limit.)

    A good way to judge is to figure out how many page views you're currently doing.

    Page Views * 2% (A good click through rate) * $.08 (An average payout for a click) = Earnings per day

  5. Konstan
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well, according to that formula I should be getting between $3-16 per day (awstats, webalizer and google analitycs show different numbers).

    Thanks for getting my hopes up! :P

  6. byjournal
    Posted 17 years ago #

    according to awstats i should get $14 per day =)

  7. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    i made $6 once

  8. Farms
    Posted 17 years ago #

    My search earnings yesterday :D

    239 1 0.42% $0.11 $0.03

  9. TomFisher
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am just getting started with MU sites. How do you place the ads on all the blogs? Is there a way so that only the admin can remove them? Is there a way to use an ad rotator?

    Any other info on this would be helpful.


  10. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    there are header and footer hook available. you can also hack the standard widgets. there's also a plugin that allows you to add things to the foot at the ends of posts. but i havent found a way to mass edit beyond those.

  11. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    there are header and footer hook available. you can also hack the standard widgets. there's also a plugin that allows you to add things to the foot at the ends of posts. but i havent found a way to mass edit beyond those.

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