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Change Wordpress MU Home Easiest Way (3 posts)

  1. iiVee
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I can’t find any theme for Wordpress MU home page, except edublog home theme. But you need to do a lot of modification to use it. I got a easiest to change the home of WPMU, and not to destroy the layout of your favorite theme.

    1. Choose a favorite theme, copy the index.php, and rename the reproduction to home.php. This is the new home page.
    2. Delete original code between <div id=”content”> and its close tag </div> in the new home page.
    3. Open home.php in the home theme which is the default home theme of WPMU, copy the codes between <div id=”content” class=”widecolumn”> and its close tag </div>. Back to the new home page, paste the code under <div id=”content”>.
    4. Upload your new home page to your favorite theme folder, you got your new home in the style of your favorite theme.

    This is what I do in my website, I’m new to WPMU, if I missed something, please let me know. Here is my blog: iiVee

  2. WheezyBE
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks for pointing that out to me, it helped me alot!

    I also added the blog part under the copied home stuff

    From : <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
    to : <?php endif; ?>

    I edited the home section so it looks like a sticky post on the blog :)

  3. outwest77
    Posted 17 years ago #

    iiVee, I get a 404 error on that link
    but I like the theme in the background

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