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My New WordPress MU! (7 posts)

  1. hhuskies
    Posted 17 years ago #


    My wordpress isn't fully open to the public yet, but that is why I want you all to check it out and judge me on my design, etc...Notice anything I need to fix before I open it up to the public? (other than the fact that the posts don't work. LOL. Which will be fixed shortly)



  2. honewatson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Looks ok to me.

  3. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    great work

  4. hhuskies
    Posted 17 years ago #


  5. rooler
    Posted 17 years ago #

    you might want to reduce number of adds for now, to entice users to sign up.

  6. kaliannah
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I think you did a fantastic job on the design. Simple, eye catching. May I ask where you found the stat plugin? The one I found doesn't look like yours - which definitely looks better than the one I'm currently using.

  7. hhuskies
    Posted 16 years ago #

    No problem at all kaliannah. All you have to do is place this code in your sidebar, and you will get your blog stats. It just calls the sitestats from your system.

    $stats = get_sitestats();
    echo "There are currently <b>".$stats[ 'blogs' ]."</b> blogs and <b>".$stats[ 'users' ]."</b> users."; ?>

    If placing in your sidebar, remember to place the proper <h3> headings, and your

  8. tags. Just to make it more appealing - and for your CSS to properly place the stats. You can use something like <h3>Stats</h3>, for your header.

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