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Plugins Known to Work with WPMU (17 posts)

  1. Farms
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Well if you insist ;)

    The major, kick ass, best plugin in the world that works just fine with WPMU is the Subscribe-to-comments one:

    put in the mu-plugins directory (and the root) and enjoy!

    Now... what plugins are you running that work with WPMU?

  2. Invizz
    Posted 19 years ago #

    my 3:
    and now i am completing Personal statistics plugin for every blog

  3. jonimueller
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Great! I'll add to the list. I am using, with success and a few caveats, the following:

    1. RumMovie ( [Images won't appear in the posts, however.]
    2. Structured Blogging (
    3. WP-Amazon ( [Images won't appear in the posts, however.]
    4. Obfuscate E-Mail (

  4. dankb
    Posted 19 years ago #

    joni -- i'm having trouble getting structuredblogging to work -- what versions of it and mu are you using? i've got structured 0.5 and have tried on mu 10/14 and 12/01 and no go.

  5. jonimueller
    Posted 19 years ago #

    dankb, looks like I spoke too soon about Structured Blogging. I wrote a post about it on my WPMU testblog. Also, if anyone wants to log in and look around, here's a guest pass:

    USERID: guest
    PWORD: letmein

    It works fine, except for no images, and it looks like it posts things twice. Perhaps the SB template just needs to be edited for use with WPMU.

  6. Farms
    Posted 19 years ago #

    With the final release out it looks like structured blogging works moreorless just fine, which is great :)

    But the images thing is still a problem and to be honest, with teh WSYWIG / upload tool not there for any of the forms that's a pretty big issue.

    I'd love to use this and think it's got real value but I don't reckon it'll do anything but frustrate without uploads working... any ideas how we could write the path to the upload directory for this or has anyone already done it?

    Cheers, James

  7. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Just a quick question; by "work" do we mean in the regular plugin directory, or the mu-plugin directory? How much does it matter?

    As an example, the MyMooMus worked OOB in the regular plugins directory. It adds mood /reading / listening to tags to each post, configurable in the admin panel for each user, giving the entries a LiveJournal feel (but without the angst).

    The Twilight auto-save worked OOB, but I didn't try it in the mu-plugins directory. Handy for dolts like me who navigate off the page before hitting publish. (Beat that, where'd-my-post-go-Blogger)

    I also got WP Flickr Post Bar to work with a small edit specific to MU. I'll have to go check and get back to you on that one. This is handy for posting flickr-hosted photos to member blogs.

  8. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    by "work" I think everyone means in the regular plugin directory. I honestly don't know if the mu-plugins directory was ever meant to have standard plugins running it but that's what we've turned it into ;)

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    *whew* I'll get testing then. :D I've got a bunch I've been meaning to add.

    (now to find the TIME.)

  10. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    yeah, if you guys can put together a nice list of plugins that work out of the box i'll combine them into a plugin pack. I think it would help people who are unsure of which plugins work and which ones don't.

  11. ergate
    Posted 18 years ago #



    FAlbum - small tweak to falbum-plugin.php go to line 577 change location of css file.

    bsuite, Stats plugin, adds three tables per blog- small change to indicat location of image


    My Tube

  12. matt
    Key Master
    Posted 18 years ago #

    A better list might be plugins that don't work. We've never had a problem dropping in a plugin with little or no modification. Rather than listing every WP plugin in the world (350+) let's just stick to the smaller list. :)

  13. jcow
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I cannot get wp-contactform to work in either the plugin or the wp-plugin directory... nothing happens.

    I can, however, get this one to work in its stead:
    PXS Mail Form - WP Plugin

    Nice plugin, but doesn't have the cool quick button that would be good to offer to users to make it easy.

  14. jcow
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ok. I take that back, it seems that contactform works in the plugins folder with plugins activated, but it cool quicktag doesn't seem to work. also. at this point, I don't want to use the plugins folder. I am trying to avoid letting users deal with plugins.

  15. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    ergate, did you have to do anything to get Subscribe2 to work? When plunking the subscribe.php file in the root directory, my htacces changes it to s subfolder. :-/

  16. ergate
    Posted 18 years ago #

    andrea_r: what version of Subscribe2 are you using? I am using the current version of 2.2.2, which no longer needs the subscribe.php in the root folder. It is all contained in the plugins folder and works pretty much like wp-contact.
    Although, to get the (image) button to show up in the wp editor you need to dig around one or two of the files and fix the address, add wp-inst/ I cannot remember exactly, later when I get home I will dig around and see if I can find the change. But it isnt needed to have it function, just puts a nifty button in the editor window.

  17. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Doh. Well, it woudl have helped if Skippy had updated his entry at wp-plugins. :)

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