Posted 17 years ago #
I'm trying to integrate a Google Custom Search into my Wordpress blog. I've done the easy part (using the Google code snippets and a "manual" HTML file as the result page to hold the results), but now I need to tweak the result page so that it looks like the rest of the site.
I tried to copy some code from the Wordpress templates (like the header and the footer) but I soon got lost.
What would be the best approach for this? Any pointers? I'm not afraid of little PHP coding.
Thanks for any help...
I gotta admit that I just threw in the same colors out of CSS in the Google result page and left it like that.
Posted 17 years ago #
Thanks for the hints. Much appreciated. I'm confused with step (4):
4. Now create a new page in your wordpress admin and call it ‘Search Results’ on the right hand side where it says page templates select your new template ‘googlecoopresults.php’ then click save.
When I create a new page in Wordpress there's nothing on the right side that says "page templates". I go to Manage -> Pages and create a new page there...
I'm on WP 2.2.2 and also rather new to WP... Excuse my ignorance if I miss the bleeding obvious.
There should be 8 tabs under Write Page: Discussion, Page Status, Page Password, Page Parent, Page Template, Page Slug, Page Author, and Page Order.
Try going to Write > Write Page.
Posted 17 years ago #
Hmm, no... the Page Template tab is missing with my installation.
Any clues to what's wrong?
Is there a setting I'm not aware of?
Posted 17 years ago #
Allright... error on my site. I figured it out and also gained some insight on the working of WP templating system.
I now got an extremely cool looking result page using the theme of my blog!
Thank you all very much for the help!
The "Page template" tag is missing here too. Any hint what went wrong in your installation?
If there isn't a template file names page.php in the theme, or one customized to suit your needs, then you won't see that option.
This explains it all:
SO there is no plug in for this?