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Multi-Domain WPMU (18 posts)

  1. pixelguy
    Posted 17 years ago #


    i would to install a wpmu-site to manage all my blogs with one installation.

    at the moment i have a basic wpmu installation (sub-domains) with the multi-site-manager (

    but what must i do to administrate all my blog on different domains (same server)??

    is there any usefull tutorial?

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Go to domain.tld/wp-admin/

    Mu will then recognize the appropriate blog, and you can administer it or any subdomains on it.

  3. peiqinglong
    Posted 17 years ago #

  4. shanebecker
    Posted 17 years ago #


    If you install the multisite manager plugin
    ( ) you won't need to do the manual steps suggested by peiqinglong.

    Once you've got the multiuser plugin up and running; in your admin panel (from any site on your Mu install):

    Go Site Admin --> Sites -->

    Then click on one of the numbers under 'Blogs' matching a site domain you want to edit (i.e. click on the number that tells you how many Mu blogs are running for the domain you want)

    --> Click 'Backend' for the blog you want to edit.

    That's how I jump from one blog admin to another within a single Mu admin panel without having to type in each blog's login address manually.

    If you select 'Remember me' for each log-in you won't need to sign-in each time.

    By the way, be sure you're using the latest version of this plugin on a version of Mu later than 1.2.0:


  5. pixelguy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    thank you all!

    i am using WPMU 1.2.5a and the Multi-Site-Manager in version 003.

    But my WPMU installation is on the domain "wpmu.xy". My other blogs are on the domains "hifiblog.xy" and "travelblog.xy"...

    how can i administrate them all with "wpmu.xy" and leave them on their own domains?

  6. shanebecker
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm not exactly sure what the problem is but I do want to help.

    Are all the domains pointing to the same location on your server?

    Have you added the new sites under the wpmu admin panel? Go to, Site Admin --> Sites --> Add the site domain names under "Add Site".

    Note that once you've installed the sites you still edit them seperately under their own '' panel as though they were seperate installs when posting, activating plugins, etc.

    I think we need more info. Perhaps post the actual domain names so we can have a look.

  7. heyguy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Very cool plugin Shane, thanks for the tip. Ideally we could just have a dropdown box on the one signup page where users could choose their domain - rather than having a whole 'nother "site" for each domain I want to host - but this will do for the time being. Baby steps.

  8. shanebecker
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Perhaps this is what you have in mind:

    I've not tried it but sounds like what you're looking for.


  9. nolageek
    Posted 17 years ago #

    This sounds like a great plugin... anyone know of a way to limit the sites that are shown? (I have two domains that I host for friends using WPMU, and dont want people picking those.)

  10. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Edit the query to skip those 2.

  11. nolageek
    Posted 17 years ago #

    doi. :)

    I actually deleted one domain and only had one to skip, I change the line:
    $sites = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT DISTINCT domain FROM ' . $wpdb->site . ' ORDER BY domain ');

    $sites = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT DISTINCT domain FROM ' . $wpdb->site . ' WHERE domain <> "" ORDER BY domain ');

    Worked perfectly.

  12. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    or: domain != 'domain_to_skip' would work too.

  13. nolageek
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks! (what if I had two domains, in case I add my personal blog to the mix)

  14. MrBaaps
    Posted 17 years ago #


    I need help making the Multi-Site manager plugin work for me, I installed it in my MU and I added a domain that i pointed to the same server.

    Now the problem is that I can't go to the backend of the new added domain and I can't view the site either. The error message says this:

    ( You don't have permission to access / on this server.)

    Any idea what the problem may be?


  15. shanebecker
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Ah Mr Baaps, we meet again.

    A few thoughts on this one, but probably nothing you haven't considered:

    I had this problem for a few days and then it just went away. It was a server error that presumably a reset fixed. (Maybe a different issue for you).

    Suggest checking your error logs or getting the server reset.

    Also, double check the plugin uploaded properly (i.e. all the files upload). And possibly you may have a corrupted file in your download. Perhaps re-download and upload afresh.

    Also, make sure the domain location in your DNS setup is pointing to the same location as the Mu install.

    Inside Mu, go to 'Sites' and for each domain ensure the path is set to: /
    Leaving the path blank doesn't work.

    If all that fails check your domain is working. Enter some code like this at the start of your index file, comment out the rest of the code, and then try your domain & subdomain:

    $vdomain = getenv("HTTP_HOST");

    if ($vdomain=='')
    {echo 'If you can read this then the problem is not Mu or a Mu Plugin. If you can not read this and your main Mu domain works the problem is the Mu plugin'; }

    Failing all the above, I suggest posting your problem to the plugin author:

    Let me know how you go.


  16. shanebecker
    Posted 17 years ago #

    PS: And there is this patch for Mu versions older than 1.2.1:


  17. MrBaaps
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks so much Shane,
    I'll try it out let you know.


  18. MrBaaps
    Posted 17 years ago #


    I tried your test code, after all others attempts failed. The outcome was a blank page, i could not read what the echo message said. So the problem must be a MU plugin's problem like you said.

    I'll keep trying and re-download the plugin or may be dis-activate other plugins to see.

    Thanks a lot for your help, I know that if there is problem, there must be a solution. Just gotta find it.


About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by pixelguy
  • Latest reply from MrBaaps