In wp_sitemeta I have a number of duplicate records. In a couple areas of the forum, people mention deleting duplicate and/or empty records, but I'm wary of blowing away rows. I have 3 allowed_themes, and 3 menu_items. Should I delete the extra two for each? The site id for all of these is 1 and the meta id just counts up. Extra rows were added during various upgrades perhaps?
I'm running mu 1.2.5a on ubuntu on mysql5 on php5, and I'm hoping that maybe one of these database dupes is screwing up my wp-login.php (only allows admin user to login unless users go to their subdirectory address first). I'm not doing anything fancy. Here's a dump of wp_sitemeta showing the dupes. I shortened the records, but if the values were blank, I left the blank to show it.
Any way... any help is appreciated. I stronged the dupes for easy reading.
admin_email xxxx
admin_user_id 1
upload_filetypes jpg jpeg png gif
blog_upload_space 100
fileupload_maxk 1000000
site_admins a:1:{i:0;s:5:"admin";}
illegal_names a:7:{i:0;s:3:"www";i:1;s:3:"web";i
welcome_email Dear User,
first_post Welcome to
blog_count 14
blog_count_ts 1190321767
site_name Chelsea High Sitelets
limited_email_domains a:1:{i:0;s:18:
menu_items a:1:{s:7:"plugins";s:1:"1";}
menu_items a:1:{s:7:"plugins";s:1:"1";}
allowedthemes a:1:{s:7:\"default\";b:1;}
allowedthemes a:1:{s:7:\"default\";b:1;}
menu_items a:1:{s:7:"plugins";s:1:"1";}